This category contains items which can disassemble into Crafted parts. This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble.
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All items (1214)
- Abyssal drain scroll
- Abyssal lurker pouch
- Abyssal parasite pouch
- Abyssal stealth scroll
- Abyssal titan pouch
- Abyssalbane arrow
- Acorn missile scroll
- Adamant 2h crossbow
- Adamant arrow
- Adamant arrowheads
- Adamant bar
- Adamant brutal
- Adamant bull rush scroll
- Adamant hasta
- Adamant minotaur pouch
- Adamant spear
- Admiral pie
- Adrenaline flask
- Aggression flask
- Aggression potion
- Agility flask
- Agility mix
- Air rune
- Air talisman
- Albino rat pouch
- Ambush scroll
- Amphibious fruit
- Anchovies
- Anchovy pizza
- Annihilate scroll
- Anti-p supermix
- Antifire flask
- Antifire mix
- Antipoison flask
- Antipoison mix
- Apple mush
- Apple pie
- Aquatic fruit
- Araxyte arrow
- Arctic bear pouch
- Arctic blast scroll
- Armadyl rune
- Armour gizmo
- Armour gizmo shell
- Arrow shaft
- Asgarnian ale
- Asgarnian ale (barrel) (flatpack)
- Asgarnian ale (m)
- Asgarnian ale (Player-owned house)
- Asgarnian hops
- Astral rune
- Attack flask
- Attack mix
- Attuned portent of degradation I
- Attuned portent of degradation II
- Attuned portent of degradation III
- Attuned portent of restoration I
- Attuned portent of restoration II
- Attuned portent of restoration III
- Attuned portent of restoration IV
- Attuned portent of restoration IX
- Attuned portent of restoration V
- Attuned portent of restoration VI
- Attuned portent of restoration VII
- Attuned portent of restoration VIII
- Attuned portent of restoration X
- Augmented black salamander
- Augmented chaotic spear
- Augmented Guthan's warspear
- Augmented hand cannon
- Augmented Karil's crossbow
- Augmented mizuyari
- Augmented royal crossbow
- Augmented Sunspear (melee)
- Augmented superior Vesta's spear
- Augmented wyvern crossbow
- Augmented Zamorakian spear
- Axeman's folly
- Axeman's folly (m)
- Bacon
- Bacon blast scroll
- Bacon heap
- Bacon mound
- Bacon pile
- Bacon stack
- Baguette
- Baked potato
- Banana
- Banana stew
- Barker toad pouch
- Barley
- Barley malt
- Baron shark
- Basiliskbane arrow
- Bass
- Bat shish
- Batwing
- Beaver pouch
- Beer
- Beer (Player-owned house)
- Beer (tankard)
- Beer barrel (flatpack)
- Beltfish
- Big bass
- Big shark
- Big swordfish
- Bird's nest (empty)
- Biscuits
- Bittercap mushroom
- Black 2h crossbow
- Black dragon leather
- Black salamander
- Black spear
- Bloated leech pouch
- Blood drain scroll
- Blood nihil pouch
- Blood rune
- Blood talisman
- Blue blubber jellyfish
- Blue dragon leather
- Blurberry Special
- Blurite bar
- Body rune
- Body talisman
- Boil scroll
- Bone spear
- Bottle of wine
- Bowl of water
- Braindeath 'rum'
- Brandy
- Brawler demon pouch
- Bread
- Bread dough
- Broad arrow
- Broad arrowheads
- Bronze 2h crossbow
- Bronze arrow
- Bronze arrowheads
- Bronze bar
- Bronze brutal
- Bronze bull rush scroll
- Bronze hasta
- Bronze minotaur pouch
- Bronze spear
- Bull ant pouch
- Bunyip pouch
- Button mushroom
- Cabbage
- Cabbage (Draynor Manor)
- Cadava berries
- Call to arms scroll
- Calquat fruit
- Camouflage flask
- Camouflage potion
- Camouflaged fruit
- Cannibal fruit
- Carapace
- Carrion fruit
- Carved oak bench (flatpack)
- Carved oak magic wardrobe (flatpack)
- Carved oak table (flatpack)
- Carved teak bench (flatpack)
- Carved teak magic wardrobe (flatpack)
- Carved teak table (flatpack)
- Catfish
- Cave eel
- Cave nightshade
- Cavefish
- Caviar
- Celebration cake
- Celebration cake (lit)
- Celebration cake (unlit)
- Chaos rune
- Chaos talisman
- Chaotic spear
- Cheese
- Cheese feast scroll
- Chef's delight
- Chef's delight (barrel) (flatpack)
- Chef's delight (m)
- Chef's delight (Player-owned house)