This category contains items which can disassemble into Shadow components. This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble.
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Shadow glaive -
Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Sliske -
Anima Core body of Sliske -
Anima Core helm of Sliske
All items (32)
- Anima Core body of Sliske
- Anima Core helm of Sliske
- Anima Core legs of Sliske
- Augmented Anima Core body of Sliske
- Augmented Anima Core legs of Sliske
- Augmented Off-hand Shadow glaive
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Sliske
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Sliske
- Augmented Shadow glaive
- Augmented Staff of Sliske
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (barrows)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (blood)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (Ice)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (shadow)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (Third Age)