This category contains items which can disassemble into Smooth parts. This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble.
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All items (389)
- Abyssal orb
- Adamant battleaxe
- Adamant cane
- Adamant mace
- Adamant warhammer
- Ahrim's book of magic
- Air orb
- Akrisae's war mace
- Alchemical onyx ring
- Amulet of farming
- Amulet of fury
- Amulet of fury (or)
- Amulet of fury (t)
- Amulet of glory
- Amulet of glory (c)
- Amulet of glory (t)
- Amulet of magic
- Amulet of magic (t)
- Amulet of nature
- Amulet of power
- Amulet of souls
- Amulet of souls (or)
- Amulet of strength
- Archers' ring
- Armour gizmo
- Armour gizmo shell
- Attuned crystal orb
- Attuned crystal teleport seed
- Augmented abyssal orb
- Augmented Ahrim's book of magic
- Augmented Akrisae's war mace
- Augmented attuned crystal orb
- Augmented crystal fishing rod
- Augmented crystal hammer
- Augmented crystal orb
- Augmented crystal tinderbox
- Augmented Dharok's greataxe
- Augmented drygore mace
- Augmented Drygore mace (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore mace (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Third Age)
- Augmented flowers
- Augmented imperium core
- Augmented Imperium core (barrows)
- Augmented Imperium core (blood)
- Augmented Imperium core (Ice)
- Augmented Linza's hammer
- Augmented off-hand drygore mace
- Augmented Off-hand drygore mace (barrows)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore mace (Blood)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore mace (Ice)
- Augmented Off-hand Drygore mace (shadow)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore mace (Third Age)
- Augmented offhand rubber chicken
- Augmented Orb of the Cywir elders
- Augmented rubber chicken
- Augmented seasinger makigai
- Augmented seismic singularity
- Augmented Seismic singularity (barrows)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Blood)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Ice)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (shadow)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Third Age)
- Augmented superior Statius's warhammer
- Augmented Verac's flail
- Augmented Virtus book
- Candle lantern (empty)
- Castle wars brace
- Clay ring
- Combat bracelet
- Combat bracelet (c)
- Corrupt dragon battleaxe
- Corrupt dragon mace
- Corrupt Statius's warhammer
- Corrupted gem
- Crystal chime (Prifddinas)
- Crystal chisel
- Crystal fishing rod
- Crystal flask
- Crystal hammer
- Crystal knife
- Crystal orb
- Crystal saw (Prifddinas)
- Crystal teleport seed
- Crystal tinderbox
- Deathtouch bracelet
- Dharok's greataxe
- Diamond
- Diamond amulet
- Diamond bracelet
- Diamond necklace
- Diamond ring
- Digsite pendant
- Digsite pendant (c)
- Doc's spare parts
- Dragon battleaxe
- Dragon cane
- Dragon mace
- Dragon necklace
- Dragon warhammer
- Dragonstone
- Dragonstone amulet
- Dragonstone amulet (unstrung)
- Dragonstone bracelet
- Dragonstone ring
- Drygore mace
- Drygore mace (barrows)
- Drygore mace (blood)
- Drygore mace (ice)
- Drygore mace (shadow)
- Drygore mace (Third Age)