This category contains items which can disassemble into Zaros components. This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble.
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Wand of the praesul
All items (59)
- Ancient ceremonial boots
- Ancient ceremonial gloves
- Ancient ceremonial legs
- Ancient ceremonial mask
- Ancient ceremonial top
- Ancient emblem
- Augmented ancient lantern
- Augmented Imperium core (barrows)
- Augmented Imperium core (blood)
- Augmented Imperium core (Ice)
- Augmented Imperium core (Third Age)
- Augmented Pernix body
- Augmented Pernix chaps
- Augmented Torva platebody
- Augmented Torva platelegs
- Augmented Virtus book
- Augmented Virtus robe legs
- Augmented Virtus robe top
- Augmented Virtus wand
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (barrows)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (blood)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (Ice)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (Third Age)
- Augmented Zaryte bow