Items for which we cannot obtain disassembly info because it is impossible to obtain in the inventory for whatever reason; e.g. discontinued items, items that are impossible to unequip, items that never existed.
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Wig (blonde) -
Sleeping bag -
Valentine heart -
Warrior guild token -
Sling -
Divine tears -
Black ore -
Seeker's charm (Dungeoneering)
All items (636)
- Balls (level 10 approx.)
- Basket of eggs
- Bauble
- Bedsheets
- Berry solution (level 78)
- Biohazard cannister
- Bitter melon
- Black herb
- Black logs
- Black ore
- Black seeds
- Blood tithe pouch
- Blue herb
- Blue logs (Gielinor Games)
- Blue ore
- Blue seeds
- Blurite solution (level 87)
- Boat (2015 Hallowe'en event)
- Bowl (2010 Easter event)
- Bricks (Gielinor Games)
- Broken hatchet (dragon)
- Bronze medal
- Bronze nuggets
- Bucket (2008 Easter event)
- Bucket of water (2008 Easter event)
- Burned toffee
- Cabbage (Back to the Freezer)
- Cannon balls (level 80 approx.)
- Cannonball surprise
- Carrot
- Celestial surgebox (reward)
- Chains
- Chew toy (blue)
- Chew toy (purple)
- Chew toy (red)
- Chicken (Recruitment Drive)
- Chimney
- Chinchompas (level 99 approx.)
- Chocatrice egg
- Chocolate chunks
- Chocolate chunks (2008 Easter event)
- Chocolate drop
- Chocolate egg (blue)
- Chocolate egg (green)
- Chocolate egg (yellow)
- Chocolate kebbit
- Chopped ugthanki
- Christmas cracker joke
- Christmas pudding (2012 Christmas event)
- Christmas pudding (2013 Christmas event)
- Cinnamon (Gielinor Games)
- Clean cog
- Clean pistons
- Cloth (Unstable Foundations)
- Cloud key
- Cockatrice egg (Easter)
- Coconut (Back to the Freezer)
- Coffee beans
- Cog (2009 Easter event)
- Collector lvl 1
- Collector lvl 2
- Collector lvl 3
- Collector lvl 4
- Collector lvl 5
- Copper solution (level 82)
- Coronation chicken sandwich
- Cowbells (Back to the Freezer)
- Cracker bits
- Crate with zanik
- Cream tea
- Crossbow (The Chosen Commander)
- Crystalised zombie blood
- Cup of tea (Zogre Flesh Eaters)
- Dance floor manual
- Dandelion
- Defender lvl 1
- Defender lvl 2
- Defender lvl 3
- Defender lvl 4
- Defender lvl 5
- Delivery box (2010 Easter event)
- Delivery map
- Demon statuette
- Demonic trace
- Diamond white present
- Dice (2, 6 sides)
- Dice (up to 100)
- Dice bag
- Die (10 sides)
- Die (12 sides)
- Die (20 sides)
- Die (4 sides)
- Die (6 sides)
- Die (8 sides)
- Dirty cog
- Dirty pistons
- Divine tears
- Dog bowl (blue)
- Dog bowl (brown)
- Dog bowl (green)
- Dog bowl (purple)
- Dog bowl (red)
- Dog mat (blue)
- Dog mat (brown)
- Dog mat (green)
- Dog mat (purple)
- Dog mat (red)
- Dossier
- Double spin ticket
- Dragonstone purple present
- Dungeoneering tokens (50)
- Dungeoneering tokens (500)
- Duradel's claws
- Dwarven black diamond
- Dwarven black iron ore