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All items (419)
- Abyssal bat spellbook
- Abyssal bat wand
- Abyssal grifolic orb
- Abyssal grifolic wand
- Abyssal imp horn wand
- Abyssal imphide book
- Abyssal mystic orb
- Abyssal mystic wand
- Abyssal orb
- Abyssal spider orb
- Abyssal spider wand
- Abyssal splitbark orb
- Abyssal splitbark wand
- Abyssal wand
- Abyssal wizard's book
- Abyssal wizard's wand
- Academy wand
- Ahrim's book of magic
- Ahrim's staff
- Ahrim's wand
- Air battlestaff
- Air battlestaff (Heart of Stone)
- Air staff (Dungeoneering)
- Air talisman staff
- Ancient lantern
- Ancient staff
- Ancient staff (blue)
- Ancient staff (green)
- Ancient staff (red)
- Ancient staff (yellow)
- Animal staff
- Ankh
- Apprentice wand
- Ariane's wand
- Armadyl battlestaff
- Attuned crystal orb
- Attuned crystal staff
- Attuned crystal wand
- Augmented abyssal orb
- Augmented abyssal wand
- Augmented Ahrim's book of magic
- Augmented Ahrim's staff
- Augmented Ahrim's wand
- Augmented ancient lantern
- Augmented armadyl battlestaff
- Augmented attuned crystal orb
- Augmented attuned crystal staff
- Augmented attuned crystal wand
- Augmented blighted rebounder
- Augmented camel staff
- Augmented chaotic staff
- Augmented crystal orb
- Augmented crystal staff
- Augmented crystal wand
- Augmented elite seasinger kiba
- Augmented elite seasinger makigai
- Augmented imperium core
- Augmented Imperium core (barrows)
- Augmented Imperium core (blood)
- Augmented Imperium core (Ice)
- Augmented Imperium core (Third Age)
- Augmented kalphite rebounder
- Augmented noxious staff
- Augmented Noxious staff (barrows)
- Augmented Noxious staff (Blood)
- Augmented Noxious staff (Ice)
- Augmented Noxious staff (shadow)
- Augmented Noxious staff (Third Age)
- Augmented Obliteration
- Augmented Orb of the Cywir elders
- Augmented polypore staff
- Augmented Rage of Hyu-Ji
- Augmented seasinger kiba
- Augmented seasinger makigai
- Augmented Second-Age staff
- Augmented seismic singularity
- Augmented Seismic singularity (barrows)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Blood)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Ice)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (shadow)
- Augmented Seismic singularity (Third Age)
- Augmented seismic wand
- Augmented Seismic wand (barrows)
- Augmented Seismic wand (Blood)
- Augmented Seismic wand (Ice)
- Augmented Seismic wand (shadow)
- Augmented Seismic wand (Third Age)
- Augmented staff of darkness
- Augmented staff of light
- Augmented staff of limitless air
- Augmented staff of limitless earth
- Augmented staff of limitless fire
- Augmented staff of limitless lava
- Augmented staff of limitless mud
- Augmented staff of limitless steam
- Augmented staff of limitless water
- Augmented Staff of Sliske
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (barrows)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (blood)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (Ice)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (shadow)
- Augmented Staff of Sliske (Third Age)
- Augmented Sunspear (magic)
- Augmented superior Zuriel's staff
- Augmented Virtus book
- Augmented Virtus wand
- Augmented Wand of the Cywir elders
- Augmented wand of the praesul
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (barrows)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (blood)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (Ice)
- Augmented Wand of the praesul (Third Age)
- Avernic book
- Avernic wand
- Balancing wand
- Bat staff
- Battlestaff
- Batwing book
- Batwing wand
- Beginner wand
- Blighted rebounder
- Blightleaf orb
- Blisterwood orb
- Blisterwood staff
- Blisterwood staff (Dominion Tower)
- Blisterwood wand
- Blood spindle staff
- Blood spindle wand
- Blood talisman staff
- Body talisman staff
- Bovistrangler staff
- Bovistrangler wand
- Broken heart
- Bryll orb
- Butterfly net
- Caitlin's staff
- Camel staff
- Cat staff
- Catalytic orb
- Catalytic staff
- Catalytic wand
- Celestial catalytic orb
- Celestial catalytic staff
- Celestial catalytic wand
- Chaos talisman staff
- Chaotic staff
- Christmas wand
- Corpsethorn staff
- Corpsethorn wand
- Corrupt Zuriel's equipment
- Corrupt Zuriel's staff
- Cosmic talisman staff
- Crystal orb
- Crystal staff
- Crystal wand
- Earth battlestaff
- Earth staff (Dungeoneering)
- Earth talisman staff
- Ectosphere
- Elemental battlestaff
- Elemental staves
- Elite seasinger kiba
- Elite seasinger makigai
- Empowered air staff
- Empowered catalytic orb
- Empowered catalytic staff
- Empowered catalytic wand
- Empowered earth staff
- Empowered fire staff
- Empowered water staff
- Enhanced ancient staff
- Enhanced ancient staff (blue)
- Enhanced ancient staff (green)
- Enhanced ancient staff (red)
- Enhanced ancient staff (yellow)
- Entgallow staff
- Entgallow wand
- Exquisite orb
- Exquisite staff
- Exquisite wand