This category contains pages and images related to melee armour.
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All items (806)
- Abomination cape
- Academy full helm
- Academy platebody
- Academy platelegs
- Achto Teralith Boots
- Achto Teralith Cuirass
- Achto Teralith Gauntlets
- Achto Teralith Helmet
- Achto Teralith Leggings
- Adamant berserker shield
- Adamant boots
- Adamant chainbody
- Adamant equipment
- Adamant full helm
- Adamant full helm (charged)
- Adamant full helm (e)
- Adamant full helm (g)
- Adamant full helm (t)
- Adamant gauntlets
- Adamant helm
- Adamant helm (h1)
- Adamant helm (h2)
- Adamant helm (h3)
- Adamant helm (h4)
- Adamant helm (h5)
- Adamant kiteshield
- Adamant kiteshield (g)
- Adamant kiteshield (t)
- Adamant platebody
- Adamant platebody (g)
- Adamant platebody (h1)
- Adamant platebody (h2)
- Adamant platebody (h3)
- Adamant platebody (h4)
- Adamant platebody (h5)
- Adamant platebody (t)
- Adamant platelegs
- Adamant platelegs (g)
- Adamant platelegs (h1)
- Adamant platelegs (h2)
- Adamant platelegs (h3)
- Adamant platelegs (h4)
- Adamant platelegs (h5)
- Adamant platelegs (t)
- Adamant plateskirt
- Adamant plateskirt (g)
- Adamant plateskirt (h1)
- Adamant plateskirt (h2)
- Adamant plateskirt (h3)
- Adamant plateskirt (h4)
- Adamant plateskirt (h5)
- Adamant plateskirt (t)
- Adamant shield (h1)
- Adamant shield (h2)
- Adamant shield (h3)
- Adamant shield (h4)
- Adamant shield (h5)
- Adamant spikeshield
- Adamant sq shield
- Amulet of strength
- Anima Core Body of Zaros
- Anima Core helm of Zaros
- Anima Core Legs of Zaros
- Anima Core of Zaros
- Argonite boots
- Argonite chainbody
- Argonite full helm
- Argonite gauntlets
- Argonite kiteshield
- Argonite platebody
- Argonite platelegs
- Argonite plateskirt
- Armour/Melee armour
- Aten (Heru's shield)
- Attuned crystal shield
- Augmented Achto Teralith cuirass
- Augmented Achto Teralith leggings
- Augmented Anima Core Body of Zaros
- Augmented Anima Core Legs of Zaros
- Augmented attuned crystal shield
- Augmented Bandos chestplate
- Augmented Bandos tassets
- Augmented Bandos warshield
- Augmented blessed spirit shield
- Augmented chaotic kiteshield
- Augmented crystal shield
- Augmented Dharok's platebody
- Augmented Dharok's platelegs
- Augmented divine spirit shield
- Augmented dragonfire shield
- Augmented Guthan's chainskirt
- Augmented Guthan's platebody
- Augmented Linza's greaves
- Augmented Linza's platebody
- Augmented Linza's shield
- Augmented malevolent cuirass
- Augmented Malevolent cuirass (barrows)
- Augmented Malevolent cuirass (blood)
- Augmented Malevolent cuirass (shadow)
- Augmented Malevolent cuirass (Third Age)
- Augmented malevolent greaves
- Augmented Malevolent greaves (barrows)
- Augmented Malevolent greaves (blood)
- Augmented Malevolent greaves (shadow)
- Augmented Malevolent greaves (Third Age)
- Augmented malevolent kiteshield
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Zaros
- Augmented Second-Age platebody
- Augmented Second-Age platelegs
- Augmented superior Statius's platebody
- Augmented superior Statius's platelegs
- Augmented superior Vesta's chainbody
- Augmented superior Vesta's plateskirt
- Augmented Tetsu body
- Augmented Tetsu legs
- Augmented Torag's platebody
- Augmented Torag's platelegs
- Augmented Torva platebody
- Augmented Torva platelegs
- Augmented Verac's brassard
- Augmented Verac's plateskirt
- Bandos boots
- Bandos chestplate
- Bandos cloak
- Bandos equipment
- Bandos gloves
- Bandos helmet
- Bandos mitre
- Bandos robe legs
- Bandos robe top
- Bandos tassets
- Bandos warshield
- Bandos's Book of War
- Bane boots
- Bane gloves
- Bane helm
- Bane platebody
- Bane platelegs
- Bane shield
- Bathus boots
- Bathus chainbody
- Bathus full helm
- Bathus gauntlets
- Bathus kiteshield
- Bathus platebody
- Bathus platelegs
- Bathus plateskirt
- Berserker helm
- Berserker helm (charged)
- Berserker helm (e)
- Berserker necklace
- Black boots
- Black chainbody
- Black equipment
- Black full helm
- Black full helm (bugged)
- Black full helm (g)
- Black full helm (t)
- Black gauntlets
- Black helm
- Black helm (h1)
- Black helm (h2)
- Black helm (h3)
- Black helm (h4)
- Black helm (h5)
- Black kiteshield
- Black kiteshield (g)
- Black kiteshield (t)
- Black mask
- Black platebody
- Black platebody (bugged)
- Black platebody (g)
- Black platebody (h1)
- Black platebody (h2)
- Black platebody (h3)
- Black platebody (h4)
- Black platebody (h5)
- Black platebody (t)
- Black platelegs
- Black platelegs (bugged)
- Black platelegs (g)
- Black platelegs (h1)
- Black platelegs (h2)
- Black platelegs (h3)
- Black platelegs (h4)
- Black platelegs (h5)
- Black platelegs (t)
- Black plateskirt
- Black plateskirt (g)
- Black plateskirt (h1)
- Black plateskirt (h2)
- Black plateskirt (h3)
- Black plateskirt (h4)
- Black plateskirt (h5)
- Black plateskirt (t)
- Black shield (h1)