This category contains pages and images related to
non-player characters who sell items or own a shop. This category is automatically added by filling in the shop
parameter in Template:Infobox non-player character.
Trending pages
All items (612)
- Abyssal Knight
- Abyssal Knight Quartermaster
- Achtryn
- Aemad
- Aggie
- Agmundi
- Ajjat
- Ak-Haranu
- Alain
- Alder (bamboo merchant)
- Aleck
- Alfonse the waiter
- Alfred Stonemason
- Ali Morrisane
- Ali the Carter
- Ali the Kebab seller
- Ali the Snake Charmer
- Ali Tist
- Alice (farmer)
- Alice's husband
- Alison Elmshaper
- Aluft Gianne snr.
- Amaethwr
- Angof
- Angor
- Ani (farming merchant)
- Anton
- Apothecary
- Apprentice Clara
- Arhein
- Armadylean quartermaster
- Armour salesman
- Armour trader
- Armoursmith
- Arnold Lydspor
- Artimeus
- Artisan
- Astlayrix
- Aubury
- Aurel
- Ava
- Ayesha
- Ayleth Beaststalker
- Azibo
- Baba Yaga
- Baker
- Banana merchant
- Bandit shopkeeper
- Bandosian quartermaster
- Bang Ersenmash
- Bar shop
- Baraek
- Barker
- Barmaid
- The Barmaid
- Barman
- Barman (Grand Tree)
- Barman (Rat Pits)
- Bartender (Bandit Camp)
- Bartender (Blue Moon Inn)
- Bartender (Dancing Donkey Inn)
- Bartender (Dead Man's Chest)
- Bartender (Dragon Inn)
- Bartender (Forester's Arms)
- Bartender (Jolly Boar Inn)
- Bartender (Rusty Anchor)
- Bartender (The Flying Horse)
- Bedabin nomad
- Beefy Bill
- Benny
- Bettamax
- Betty
- The Black Marketeer
- Blackjack seller
- Blandebir
- Blasidar the sculptor
- Blast Furnace Foreman
- Blurberry
- Bob (smith)
- Bogrog
- Bolkoy
- Bolongo
- Boni (rewards)
- Boost shop
- Boots shop
- Bow and Arrow salesman
- Brian
- Brian (Rimmington)
- Brother Heinous
- Brother Jered
- Brother Righteous
- Bryll Thoksdottir
- Fadli
- Fairy shop assistant
- Fairy shopkeeper
- Faisal the Barman
- Fancy-dress shop owner
- Farmer Blinkin
- Faruq
- Fat Tony
- Father Aereck
- Fayeth
- Female mannequin
- Fernahei
- Fidelio
- Finn
- Fionella
- Fish trader
- Fisherman's wife
- Fishmonger
- Fishmonger (Rellekka)
- Flo (Summer Beach Party)
- Flosi Dalksson
- Flower Girl
- Flynn
- Foreman George
- Fortunato
- Francis
- Frawd
- Freda
- Frenita
- Friedrich
- Frincos
- Frizzy Skernip
- Fur trader (East Ardougne)
- Fur trader (Rellekka)