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All items (1766)
- A humble acolyte
- A memory
- A new master
- Abbess Benita
- Aberab
- Abyssal anchor
- Acca Kanatah
- Acceptance
- Achietties
- Address cube (air)
- Address cube (astral)
- Address cube (body)
- Address cube (chaos)
- Address cube (cosmic)
- Address cube (earth)
- Address cube (fire)
- Address cube (law)
- Address cube (mind)
- Address cube (nature)
- Address cube (water)
- Advanced pickpocketing trainer
- Adventurer
- Advisor Ghrim
- Aeonisig Raispher
- Aga
- Aggie
- Agility Instructor
- Agnar
- Ak-Haranu
- Akrisae
- Akthanakos
- Al Shabim
- Al'Kharidian Guard 1
- Al'Kharidian Guard 2
- Alain
- Alan (Evil Dave's Big Day Out)
- Alfonse the waiter
- Alfrick the Planner
- Ali Cat
- Ali Mirza
- Ali Morrisane
- Ali the Camel
- Ali the Kebab seller
- Ali the Leaflet Dropper
- Ali the Mayor
- Ali the Operator
- Ali the Snake Charmer
- Ali Tist
- Alia
- Alice (farmer)
- Alice's husband
- Allan
- Almera
- Alrena
- Amascut
- Ambassador Alvijar
- Ambassador Ferrnook
- Ambassador Jabari
- Ambush Commander
- Ana
- Ancient carer
- Ancient goebie
- Andiess Juip
- Andil
- Andrea
- Andrew
- Anemone
- Angof
- Angor
- Anita
- Anna
- Anna Jones
- Apmeken
- Apothecary
- Apparition
- Apprentice Clerval
- Apropos (Gower Quest)
- Arboretum guard
- Archaeological expert
- Archaeologist
- Archer (Lost City)
- Archmage Sedridor
- Argax
- Argento
- Arhein
- Ariane
- Arianwyn
- Aristarchus
- Armadyl
- Armed monkey guard
- Armod
- Arnold Lydspor
- Arnor
- Arrav
- Arzinian Being of Bordanzan
- Ash
- Ashild
- Askeladden
- Asleif Hamalsdotter
- Assassin
- Assistant archaeologist Kerner
- Assistant Stan
- Astoria
- Attendead
- Aubury
- Auguste
- Aurel
- Auriculus
- Austri
- Automaton (Da-vi)
- Ava
- Avan
- Awowogei
- Awusah the Mayor
- Azris the Green
- Azzanadra
- Baba Yaga
- Baby icefiend
- Bacon addict
- Baden
- Bailey
- Balnea
- Bandit Leader
- Bandos
- Baraek
- Barbarian guard
- Barmaid
- Baron Mauser
- Baron von Hattenkrapper
- Barricade guard
- Bartender (Dragon Inn)
- Bartender (Gower Quest)
- Bartender (Rusty Anchor)
- Batal (Worker)
- Battleship
- Baxtorian
- Beardless dwarf
- Bedabin nomad guard
- Bedread the bold
- Beekeeper
- Beer (Birthright of the Dwarves)
- Beggar
- Beigarth
- Benny (Snow imp)
- Bernald
- Bernard Campbell
- Bert
- Bethan
- Betty
- Big Dave
- Big Rock
- BikKra
- Bill Teach
- Billy, a guard of Falador
- Bilrach
- Black Guard (NPC)
- Black Guard quartermaster
- Black hand
- Black Knight (The Void Stares Back)
- Black Knight captain
- Black Knight champion (Sliske's Endgame)
- Black Knight doorkeeper
- Black Knight guard
- Blanin
- Blasidar the sculptor
- Blaze Sharpeye
- Blood tithe (NPC)
- Blood tither
- Blue Opal Director
- Blue Opal Secretary
- Blurberry
- Bob
- Bob (Enlightened Journey)
- Bob (Sinclair)
- Bob (smith)
- Bob, another guard of Falador
- Bolongo
- Bolrie
- Bonafido
- Boneguard
- Bonzo
- Boot
- Boric
- Bork Sigmundson