This category contains pages related to recurring content (NPCs, items, locations, etc.).
All items (490)
- Mac
- Mackers
- Magical zygomite (Player-owned farm teaser)
- Malong
- Manti
- Mark
- Marshall of the Teeming Horde
- Master Web-Spinner
- Matt the turkey protestor
- MattHe
- Maylea
- Maz
- Menaphite Smuggler
- Menaphos portal
- Michelle
- Mike (imp)
- Mince pie
- Minnie Coop
- Mint fondant
- Modified shrimps
- Moira (werewolf)
- Moltare
- Monty
- Mouse (2008 Easter event)
- Mulled wine (2009 Christmas event)
- Mystery box (Treasure Hunter)
- Palm tree (Summer Beach Party)
- Palmer (Summer Beach Party)
- Parcels from the Hedge
- Peep board
- Penguin (2015 Christmas event)
- Penguin (RuneFest 2017)
- Pet Shop (Summer Beach Party)
- Phlegm Knee
- Pi
- Pineappletini
- Pink fizz
- Pink spider
- Pips
- Pirate snowman
- Pretzel Bert
- Pumpkin Pete
- Punchy
- Purple Lumbridge
- Rabbit (2006 Easter event)
- Rabbit (2016 Hallowe'en event)
- Raffle barker
- Rat (2008 Easter event)
- Raw tropical trout
- Red spider
- Resistant zombie
- Reyna
- Ric the trader
- Rick (imp)
- Ringleader Vyvyan
- River spirit
- Rixie
- Roast potatoes (2009 Christmas event)
- Ronan
- Rosie
- Royal Fly-Catcher
- Rudolph Reborn
- Sacred yak (Player-owned farm teaser)
- Sally the Grand Exchange clerk
- Salty Claws
- Sam (Independence Day Celebration)
- San'tar Klaws
- Sanctifying potion
- Sand Exchange
- Sand Pyramid
- Sandy Casket
- Sandy Casket (red)
- Sandy Clue Scroll
- Santa Claus
- Santa's elf
- Santa's head elf
- Sarah (Summer Beach Party)
- Seagull (Summer Beach Party)
- Seal (Heimland Games)
- Security guard (CS Week)
- Shady lurker
- Shanty Claws
- Shattered Worlds portal
- Sheldon (Summer Beach Party)
- Shooting Star portal
- Sinkhole portal
- Sinn Derkwill
- Skillchipx
- Sky
- Sköll
- Sleeping penguin
- Small mystery box (Dimension of the Damned)
- Snail (2008 Easter event)
- Snow angel statue
- Snow Fremennik
- Snow imp
- Snow Imp
- Snow imp (2007 Christmas event)
- Snow imp (2015 Christmas event)
- Snow impling
- Snow impling (NPC)
- Snow impling jar
- Snow mage
- Snow ranger
- Snow spirit
- Snow warrior
- Snowball (2007 Christmas event)
- Snowball (2011 Christmas event)
- Snowman (Heimland)
- Snowman (traditional)
- Snowman Penguin
- Snowmen
- Snowverload
- Sorcha
- Soul Devourer
- Spare parts
- Special soul
- Spider (2008 Easter event)
- Spider Courtier
- Spider herald
- Spider Queen
- Spooky ghost
- Spring Fayre (2017)
- Spring Fayre (2018)
- Stalking zombie
- Stalwart jadinko
- Steve (2017 Hallowe'en event)
- Stone spirit (Holly and Hawthorn)
- Strange boy
- A strange courier
- Strange girl