This category contains pages related to
cosmetic overrides that cannot be purchased from Solomon's General Store. This category is automatically added by {{Infobox Skin}}
All items (394)
- Mahjarrat Outfit
- Marimban cloak
- Masquerade Outfit
- Mazcab Cudgel
- Mazcab Poker
- Menaphite Ancient Outfit
- Menaphos Faction (Imperial)
- Menaphos Faction (Imperial) Body
- Menaphos Faction (Imperial) Head
- Menaphos Faction (Imperial) Legs
- Menaphos Faction (Merchant)
- Menaphos Faction (Merchant) Body
- Menaphos Faction (Merchant) Head
- Menaphos Faction (Merchant) Legs
- Menaphos Faction (Port)
- Menaphos Faction (Port) Body
- Menaphos Faction (Port) Head
- Menaphos Faction (Port) Legs
- Menaphos Faction (Worker)
- Menaphos Faction (Worker) Body
- Menaphos Faction (Worker) Head
- Menaphos Faction (Worker) Legs
- Merethiel's stave (override)
- Paladin outfit
- Palapa Cape
- Pharaoh Mask
- Pharaoh Sceptre
- Present Hammer
- Proto pack (override)
- Pumpkin launcher
- Purified 2h Crossbow
- Purified Crossbow
- Purified Greatsword
- Purified Halberd
- Purified off-hand Crossbow
- Purified off-hand Sword
- Purified Orb
- Purified Shortbow
- Purified Staff
- Purified Sword
- Purified Wand
- Pyramid Hat
- Sai
- Sakadagami outfit
- Samurai Katana 'Owari'
- Samurai outfit
- Sand cape
- Saradomin Tuska spear
- Seasinger acolyte armour
- Shadow Drake Ring
- Shadow Gem Cape
- Shadow Gem Crown
- Shadow Gem Necklace
- Shadow Gem Sack
- Shadow glaive dagger
- Shadow Gorilla armour
- Shard of chaos
- Shard of despite
- Shard of energy
- Shard of focus
- Shard of havoc
- Shard of malice
- Shard of suffering
- Shark Fin
- Shell Shield
- Shield of Arrav (override)
- Sinister clown face
- Skulls cape
- Skypouncer outfit
- Snorkel
- Snowman head
- Snowman outfit
- Solite Armour
- Solstice blade
- Solstice shield
- Spade (override)
- Stein
- Stick of rock sword
- Storm Sceptre
- Storm Strike
- Sundown Dagger
- Sundown Dagger Offhand
- Sunfury Armour (Tier 1)
- Sunfury Armour (Tier 2)
- Superhero claws
- Superhero lightning
- Superhero outfit
- Superhero shield
- Superior hero outfit
- Surfboard Shield
- Survival
- Swimming outfit
- Sword of Edicts (override)
- Swords of Light pack