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"Challenges" redirects here. For the special assignments given by slayer masters, see Slayer/Challenges.
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Minimap icon for locating the Challenge Mistresses to hand in daily challenges.

The Challenge System is a system intended to suggest skill training methods to players. It was released on 19 September 2012. The challenge system has two parts: challenges and Daily Challenges; both can be accessed using the second tab in the noticeboard labelled "Challenges".


Adventures (Challenges) interface

The challenge tab of the Adventures interface.

Challenges are listed by skill and can be viewed by selecting a skill in the drop down menu in challenge tab of the noticeboard. The choices of challenges are the same for every player. Challenges that require levels that the player does not have are not visible and cannot be selected by the player.

To activate these challenges, players must "pin" the challenge. Once pinned, the challenge system tracks the player's completion progress. Progress will continue to be tracked even if the challenge has been unpinned.

Once the challenge is completed, the player is notified by a message in the chat box and fireworks appear around the player. Experience can be gained while completing the challenge, but no additional reward is given for completion.

A full list of challenges can be found here.

Daily Challenges[]

Challenge system banner
Completed daily challenge icon

Daily Challenges are normal challenges that are marked with a star and they differ from normal challenges in several ways. First, one new Daily Challenge is assigned to the player each day, regardless if the player logs in. Second, the Daily Challenge assigned is different for every player. Third, Daily Challenge are active by default, meaning the challenge system tracks their progress even if the challenge has never been pinned. Fourth, completing these challenges grants the player additional rewards beyond the experience gained while completing the challenge.

This repeatable content has a soft reset.
The next period's content will become available only once a player has logged out and in.

The first time a player logs in each day after the daily reset at 00:00 UTC, they receive several messages, appearing in their chatbox, containing summaries of their active challenges, for example "New Daily Challenge: Adamantite ore (0/7)". These messages are not filterable. Players can check the details of their active Daily Challenges by clicking on the second tab from the left in the "Noticeboard". The newest challenge is at the top of the list.

Free players are limited to having only two Daily Challenge at a time, while members may have five active Daily Challenge. When challenges are completed, they are removed from the list. When a new challenge is added, if the list exceeds the maximum number of allowed challenges, the oldest challenge is removed from the list.

Additionally, it is not possible to gain a challenge in any skill that has an existing challenge in the list.

It is possible to receive a challenge you lack the requirements for such as Char's training cave prior to completing The Firemaker's Curse.

Divine locations will not count for gathering daily challenges.


See also: Challenge Mystery Bag/Rewards

After completing a Daily Challenge, players must talk to either Fara in Burthorpe, just south of the bank chest, Heriau in the Tower of Voices in Prifddinas, or Rashida in the center of the Menaphos Plaza near the lodestone, to receive a reward. For each daily challenge completed, they will reward the player with experience and one Treasure Hunter key (the latter only available for members). The experience will always be given in a skill relating to a challenge. In cases where multiple skills are involved, such as with combat, players will be given a Challenge XP Lamp from which to choose which skill to earn experience in.

Skill Min XP Reward Max XP Reward Link
Agility 778 21,315 Full table of experience rewards
Construction 766 50,000 Full table of experience rewards
Combat 37 24,640 Full table of experience rewards
Cooking 214 87,610 Full table of experience rewards
Crafting 3,372 46,800 Full table of experience rewards
Divination 347 24,666 Full table of experience rewards
Dungeoneering 187 178,931 Full table of experience rewards
Farming 69 3,906.5 Full table of experience rewards
Firemaking 382 54,534 Full table of experience rewards
Fishing 353 21,946 Full table of experience rewards
Fletching 766 60,250 Full table of experience rewards
Herblore 2,772 24,717.5 Full table of experience rewards
Hunter 215 47,200 Full table of experience rewards
Mining 375 20,200 Full table of experience rewards
Prayer 67 12,672 Full table of experience rewards
Runecrafting 3,372 33,760 Full table of experience rewards
Slayer 174 82,553 Full table of experience rewards
Smithing 389 33,698 Full table of experience rewards
Summoning 475 26,112 Full table of experience rewards
Thieving 422.1 70,250 Full table of experience rewards
Woodcutting 389 25,823 Full table of experience rewards

Note: If the player completes the challenge but allows it to expire, they will NOT be rewarded for their efforts.

If a member's first login of the day is into a free-to-play world, if they receive a challenge in a members' skill, it would be appropriate to the capped level (5) instead.

The reward experience is calculated when receiving the challenge, not when handing it in. If the player levels up before handing in the challenge, it will give the same experience it would have at the previous level.

Some daily challenges require players turn in the items created. Players turning in these challenges are rewarded with a Challenge Mystery Bag, which contains some items roughly equal to the cost of the materials used to complete the challenge. It is possible for free players to receive members' items from a Challenge Mystery Bag. Players do not need to have the items in their inventory because Fara and Heriau can retrieve them straight from the player's bank. If the player has the item both in their inventory and bank, the items in their inventory are prioritised.

If the player has dropped the items being made, wears them as equipment, stores them in a Beast of Burden familiar, or the items are subsequently lost, then the challenge mistresses will note that the challenge has been completed but will not grant a reward until the items are obtained again. Cooked fish are not counted as fish caught so don't cook them before asking for your reward. Players can obtain more items like they did for the task or they can purchase the needed items from the Grand Exchange or other players and to turn them in. All rewards will be dispersed as though the original items had been turned in.

Influencing assigned daily challenges[]

By talking to Challenge Mistress Fara or Heriau, players may choose to block receiving new challenges in any skills that have maxed levels (for this purpose, 120 Dungeoneering and Slayer counts as maxed). Each skill has its own toggle, so players can choose to block some skills while keeping others assignable. Blocking a skill will not remove challenges for that skill that have already been assigned.

Challenge max toggle

The challenge toggle interface. Blockable (i.e. maxed) skills are outlined in silver, unblockable (i.e. not maxed) are outlined in gold. Currently blocked skills are crossed out.

Because players cannot have two active challenges in the same skill, if a player has exactly five skills unblocked, they will always get a different one of those five skills assigned until their queue is full. A player with fewer than five skills unblocked will be similarly assigned, but their queue will never fill completely as there are not enough unblocked skills to do so. Therefore players with five or fewer skills unblocked can guarantee the unblocked skill their next challenge will be assigned in by always completing the desired skill's challenge and keeping the other challenges incomplete as placeholders.

Note: if the player has, for example, six skills not maxed, then the player can still have four placeholder skills which will result in the fifth challenge being in one of the two remaining skills. Simply choose the four that are least desirable and complete the new challenge (in either of the two most desirable skills) daily.

Warning: If you have four or fewer skills unblocked and you currently have four challenges, gaining a fifth challenge will result in the fifth challenge being deleted.

Warning: If you have fewer than four challenges unblocked, and none of them were done, you'll get the message: You missed out on a new Daily Challenge because you already have an active Daily Challenge in all of the skills you have not disabled.

Rerolls and extensions[]

Members can reroll or extend daily challenges from the Challenges tab using vis wax. A reroll costs 25 wax and an extension costs 50.

An extended challenge will be doubled in length, and the player will receive double the experience reward and reimbursement from the mystery bag. A challenge can be extended after progressing on it, or even after completing it, so long as it has not been handed in.

When a challenge is rerolled, you will be given a choice between the original challenge and a random new one. You can keep the original challenge if you prefer, but the vis wax will not be refunded. Rerolled challenges cannot be rerolled a second time, even after multiple days have passed.


Active task

An active task.

All challenges may be pinned by the player. When a normal challenge is pinned, it becomes active. The challenge is then shown on the screen in a movable window in full screen mode and re-sizable mode, but not in fixed mode. Only one task can be pinned at a time. Closing the pinned window does not deactivate challenges. The challenge system will continue to track a player's progress on all previously pinned challenges and will always track daily challenges even if they were never pinned.

Lucky challenges[]

Lucky Challenge icon
Completed Lucky Challenge icon
Receiving a Lucky Challenge interface

Lucky challenges are currently disabled. Lucky challenges were members-only rare daily events that can occur to players while completing activities in game. These challenges can be gained from a range of actions including completing a quest, sending out a voyage in Player-Owned Ports and training a skill. It is possible to receive a lucky challenge for a skill even if it has been toggled off by speaking to Challenge Mistress Fara or Heriau after achieving level 99 in that skill. If a lucky challenge is received the player will be notified by a pop-up interface in-game (see an example picture on the right). This interface will contain details of what the challenge requires the player to do. Additionally a message will be displayed in the player's chatbox notifying them that they have received a lucky challenge, for example:

You've been given a Lucky Challenge: Magic Logs 0/30
Check the Challenges interface to find out more information.

Only one lucky challenge can be received daily (the day begins at 00:00 UTC). It takes some hours of activity to get one, so an active player can enjoy lucky challenges every day. Lucky challenge has a limited duration of 24 hours. The player can have at most one lucky challenge at once. It is possible, in the span of one day, to complete (and hand in) a lucky challenge of the previous day, and then receive a new lucky challenge.

Lucky challenge will appear in the list of daily challenges in the Challenges tab of the Adventures interface, but can be distinguished from them by the clover icon, Lucky Challenge icon or Completed Lucky Challenge icon, instead of the star, by duration being measured in hours instead of days, and by the prefix "Lucky Challenge:" in the challenge name. Lucky challenges cannot be rerolled nor extended.

Like daily challenges, completed lucky challenges can be handed in to the challenge mistresses. For this the player will be rewarded with experience in the relevant skill; the same amount of experience that would be given for a completed daily challenge. Unlike a daily challenge, lucky challenges do not award the player with a key for Treasure Hunter. It is possible to do daily challenge and lucky challenge at the same time.

A list of potential Lucky Challenges can be found here.


  • The Challenge System was actually only partially available to free players in that they can still be assigned challenges in members' skills, which they aren't permitted to do or hand in. However, in an update on 22 August 2016, this was changed so that free players can no longer receive Daily Challenges in members' skills. Daily Challenges in members skills were once again made available to free players in December 2017, but an update in January 2018 allowed free players to disable such challenges if they have reached the level 5 cap.
  • Currently, it is possible (and even likely) for free players to receive members-only items as rewards from challenge mystery bags. Fortunately, free players are now able to sell members items. Alternatively, free players can simply bank members' items, as they will not take up free-to-play bank space.
  • If a completed challenge expires before a log in, the message that you have a complete challenge to hand in would still be displayed.