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Chaos Dwarf Battlefield DungeonChaos Dwarf Battlefield
Chaos Dwarf Battlefield
Chaos Dwarf Battlefield
Release date 9 September 2009 (Update)
Kingdom Keldagrim
Members Yes
Main music Fight of the Dwarves
Levels 1
Strongest monster Chaos dwogre
Dwarf multicannon allowed Yes
Quests taking place here Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf
Inhabitants Dwarves, Chaos dwarves and Dwogres
Chaos Dwarf Battlefield map
Chaos Dwarf Battlefield
Rise of the Red Axe quest series
Fifth Age to Present
Keldagrim Chaos Dwarf Battlefield
First Regiment Dwarven Black Guard The Red Axe
Colonel Grenda None
Black Guard, Black Guard Berserkers, Black Guard crossbowdwarf Chaos dwarves, Chaos dwogre, Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer
Countless Black Guard Dwarves Countless Chaos Dwarves and Dwogres
Previous battle
Battle at Keldagrim Watchtower
Next battle
Second Battle of Barendir

The Chaos Dwarf Battlefield is a dungeon accessible after the completion of Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest. It may be reached through the tunnel by the gold ore vein in the south-west corner of the Keldagrim mines. The Black Guard of Keldagrim battle the Chaos Dwarves of Red Axe here, to prevent them from invading Keldagrim.

The main attraction of this dungeon is the Dragon pickaxe, which you can obtain from killing the Red Axe dwarves as a very rare drop. Other items that attract players are the Hand cannon, a powerful 2-handed ranged weapon, and its ammo, the Hand cannon shot.

Chaos Bfield

An aerial view of the battlefield. The Black Guard is focused in the east, while the Chaos Dwarves are focused in the west.


Black Guard of Keldagrim[]

Chaos Dwarves of the Red Axe[]


Killing chaos dwarves[]

Chaos Dwarf Battlefield entrance location

The location of the battlefield's entrance

When attacking your enemies, they are similar to the Rorarius found in the Monastery of Ascension. If you attack one of the aligned forces monsters, minus the Chaos dworges on the Red Axe, you will attract other enemies from that faction to attack you. For example, attacking a Chaos dwarf will cause other nearby dwarfs and hand cannoneers to attack you, causing a quick death if not careful.


A good strategy to spend a long time on the battlefield is to only attack the Chaos dwogres at first, and then switch to other creatures once they become non-aggressive. This allows you to attack one at a time, greatly reducing food and potion use.

Another strategy, for players wishing to attack the dwarves from the start, is to bring a friend or two, who have done the quest, so that the dwarves don't just concentrate on attacking you.

A good strategy for players level 80-99, or with low prayer, is to go to the back near the chaos dwogres and wait for one to attack a dwarf, make sure you know which dwarf it is attacking, attack that chaos dwogre watch the dwarf it's attacking, and as soon as the dwarf dies switch on protect from melee. When the dwogre is dead, or ignoring you to attack another dwarf, switch the prayer off. This also works for chaos dwarf hand cannoneers after you have gained tolerance. If you have low life points, you can wait for the dwogre to attack a dwarf, attack the dwogre, when that dwarf dies stop attacking and wait for the dwogre to attack another dwarf, when it does attack it again.

Another useful strategy is to utilise the dwarf multicannon. One who is attempting should always use Soul Split and area-of-effect abilities such as Chain and Dragon Breath. Using the bonecrusher along with a demon horn necklace here can allow for infinite Prayer points. You should not attempt to use a dwarf multicannon if you do not have access to Soul Split.

Money making[]

Coins 10000
This article has a money making guide here.
Please add tips to the subpage, rather than the article below.


Music tracks unlocked in this location:


  • Another bug can occur if a Chaos dwogre is killed near the rocks on the floor. Sometimes, the loot will be dropped on top of the rock but the rock cannot be stood on to collect the drop. Instead, the player will automatically pick it up as if it were on top of a table. You cannot, however, place any item back on the rock, unlike what can be done with a table.
  • It has been confirmed that wearing an item of Zamorak, such as a cape, does not prevent aggression from the chaos monsters.
  • The Raptor occasionally visits the Battlefield.
  • Though Hreidmar and Grimmson were both defeated in Birthright Of The Dwarves, the dwarves are still fighting the chaos dwarves after the quest.