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This time, the Chaos Elemental answers to a letter sent in by Catdude61. His original text was:



.dnik rouy tuoba nrael em pleh lliw taht sliated rehto yna dda ot eer fleeF ?erutluc namuh ni fo dreah reven gnieb tnereffid rehtona spahrep ro .sodnaB ,xithuG ,karomaZ noigileon ruoy tuoba tahW ?nwo ruoy fo "mlaer wodahS" fo tros a evah spahrep ro ,ssenredliw eht evael reve uoy od ,oslA ?spahfrep ,latnemele ecaep eht ,etisoppo ruor si tahw os ,etisoppo na si ereht ,gnihtyreve rof taht deilpmi si ti ,derednow evah I

,latenmelE raeD

His text must be read from bottom to top, right to left and is translated as follows (spelling errors corrected for clarity):

Dear Elemental,

I have is implied that for everything there is an opposite, so what is your opposite? The peace elemental, perhaps? Also, do you ever leave the Wilderness or perhaps have a sort of "shadow realm" of your own? What about your religion: Zamorak, Guthix, Bandos, or perhaps another different being never heard of in human culture? Feel free to add any other details that will help me learn about your kind.

Sincerely, Catdude61

Next the Chaos Elemental replied:

Ruojnob! Obmaj! Pussaw!

Nama: Morfh tae nebu oy, tis ruo ved. Elg nuj, tre sed, eci. Gnit aef ed til lahs draw ery nams dn ikfos rerut nevda.

Nalpa: Gsv koZmvgh zIv hvg gl zortM; prgs zmW prm droo urtsg. Nliv gszm lmv qfwTv rh uZgvw gl wrv gsrH bvzI sldveVi.

Lanaca: Tgc phczan aqc bkyzg amb wggqa; lhib gnma mxqqamcxk tgcv cnkb im fnsoo. Btr tgc gzkb ir vnga; tgcoa aqc nn Gqykzhullvhh hdpb. A tdkmhz mzw shr bdrtazh tgc phczan.


Raey Wen Yppah!

Cgylo Ekcjaintd

This is deciphered into a new text using the following rules:

  • The title is read the same as the letter from Catdude61, completely from right to left.
  • The first word in each line follows the same rule as the original letter, read from the right to the left.
  • In the first line, only words must be read from the right to the left (word order is left to right). Note that the positioning of spaces has been altered.
  • For the second line, every letter has been replaced by the opposite letter in the order of the alphabet. ( A = Z, B = Y, C = X, D = W, etc.)
  • In the third line, the letters in the words shift place by one in the alphabet, each next letter a place more. The first letter is correct, the second letter needs to be shifted once, the third letter twice, and so on.
  • The fourth and fifth line are read from right to left again.
  • The signature follows the same rule as line 3.

Then it says:

Wassup! Jambo! Bonjour!

A Man: From beneath you, it devours. Jungle, desert, ice. Deafeating it shall reward many kinds of adventurers.

A plan: The plAnets aRe set to aligN; kith anD kin will fight. More than one judGe is fAted to die thiS yeaR howevEr.

A Canal: The pieces are black and white; like good mysteries they come in fours. But the game is void; there are no Grandmasters here. A temple may sit between the pieces.


Happy New Year!

Chaos Elemental

Updates from Letter 14[]

  • "From beneath you, it devours. Jungle, desert, ice. Defeating it shall reward many kinds of adventurers." (Strykewyrms)
  • "The plAnets aRe set to aligN; kith anD kin will fight. More than one judGe is fAted to die thiS yeaR howevEr." The capital letters, when unscrambled, spell "grandmaster", and the line hints at the syzygy, Kethsi, and the Dragonkin, all part of the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest. (Ritual of the Mahjarrat)
  • "The pieces are black and white; like good mysteries they come in fours. But the game is void; there are no Grandmasters here. A temple may sit between the pieces." (Quiet Before the Swarm)

Other notes from Letter 14[]

  • "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!" is a famous palindrome describing the Panama Canal, which joins the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific through the middle of the Americas. This was either a joke by Jagex or a hint that some of the Chaos Elemental's letter should be read backwards. It may also be a reference to the canal and barge being built in the Digsite.