Defined properties:
All Life points: 2,350
Life points: 2,350
All Combat experience: 145.2
Combat experience: 145.2
All Release date: 12 December 2002
Release date: 12 December 2002
All Combat level: 65
Combat level: 65
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 193
NPC ID: 193
[FAQ ] • [doc ]
Chaos druid warriors can be found in Yanille Dungeon . Accessing this area requires 40 Agility . They drop herbs frequently, so are useful for players seeking to train Herblore . They are a more powerful version of Chaos Druids and drop more ingredients than their lower-levelled counterparts.
There is a Zamorakian altar located in the area they inhabit, but using it drops the player down into a pit of level 64 poison spiders and the drop results in the player taking damage (up to 150 life points).
Drops [ ]
Main drop [ ]
GE price
Grimy guam 1–2 Common 709–1,418
Grimy marrentill 1–2 Common 2,307–4,614
Grimy tarromin 1–2 Common 105–210
Grimy harralander 1–2 Common 741–1,482
Grimy ranarr 1–2 Uncommon 1,860–3,720
Grimy irit 1–2 Uncommon 5,008–10,016
Grimy avantoe 1–2 Uncommon 1,043–2,086
Grimy kwuarm 1–2 Uncommon 11,782–23,564
Grimy cadantine 1–2 Rare 4,322–8,644
Grimy lantadyme 1–2 Rare 7,551–15,102
Grimy dwarf weed 1–2 Rare 8,476–16,952
Air rune 12; 36 Common 1,080–3,240
Earth rune 9 Common 162
Fire rune 12 Common 1,908
Nature rune 3 Uncommon 1,215
Law rune 2 Uncommon 1,140
Black 2h sword 1 Uncommon 5,896
Black dagger 1 Uncommon 3,995
Off-hand black dagger 1 Uncommon 2,043
Coins 3; 13; 29 Common 3–29
Unicorn horn dust 1 Common 1,680
White berries 1 Uncommon 4,019
Snape grass 1 Uncommon 134
Limpwurt root 1–3 Uncommon 5,190–15,570
Vial of water 1 Common 96
Super defence (1) 1 Uncommon 2,604
Rare drop table 1 Rare Not sold
Rare drop table [ ]
This monster has access to the rare drop table . Luck-enhancing items such as a ring of wealth or luck of the dwarves are not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table
GE price
Coins 250–500 Common 250–500
Uncut sapphire 1 Common 809
Uncut emerald 1 Common 2,555
Uncut ruby 1 Common 1,842
Uncut diamond 1 Common 4,843
Uncut diamond 45–55 (noted) Rare 217,935–266,365
Loop half of a key 1 Common 11,053
Tooth half of a key 1 Common 11,538
Uncut dragonstone 1 Uncommon 12,077
Uncut dragonstone 45–55 (noted) Rare 543,465–664,235
Dragon longsword 1 Common 56,212
Dragon spear 1 Rare 35,861
Battlestaff 180–220 (noted) Rare 542,160–662,640
Rune javelin 5 Rare 905
Rune platebody 1 Uncommon 37,480
Rune platebody 15–25 (noted) Rare 562,200–937,000
Shield left half 1 Rare 64,399
Dragon helm 1 Uncommon 58,601
Rune arrowheads 113–137 Common 14,916–18,084
Onyx bolts 135–165 Very rare 1,003,725–1,226,775
Chaos talisman 1 Rare 1,923
Nature talisman 1 Rare 1,473
Water talisman 65–82 (noted) Rare 164,320–207,296
Earth talisman 65–82 (noted) Rare 12,025–15,170
Fire talisman 25–35 (noted) Rare 5,225–7,315
Raw lobster 135–165 (noted) Common 47,655–58,245
Raw shark 225–275 (noted) Uncommon 321,075–392,425
Big bones 68–82 (noted) Uncommon 13,804–16,646
Dragon bones 180–220 (noted) Rare 384,480–469,920
Coal 200–1,100 (noted) Uncommon 22,400–123,200
Gold ore 90–110 (noted) Common 52,830–64,570
Adamantite ore 180–220 (noted) Uncommon 40,860–49,940
Adamant bar 14–16 (noted) Common 24,654–28,176
Adamant bar 135–165 (noted) Rare 237,735–290,565
Runite ore 90–110 (noted) Rare 127,710–156,090
Rune bar 3 (noted) Common 8,955
Rune bar 45–55 (noted) Rare 134,325–164,175
Grimy torstol 90–110 (noted) Uncommon 485,010–592,790
Grimy snapdragon 90–110 (noted) Uncommon 161,010–196,790
Super restore (4) 45–55 (noted) Uncommon 125,910–153,890
Prayer potion (4) 45–55 (noted) Uncommon 130,950–160,050
Lantadyme seed 14–16 Uncommon 10,164–11,616
Dwarf weed seed 14–16 Uncommon 11,508–13,152
Magic seed 4 Uncommon 209,856
Palm tree seed 10 Rare 396,000
Flax 450–550 (noted) Common 43,200–52,800
Molten glass 45–55 (noted) Common 27,585–33,715
Soft clay 450–550 (noted) Uncommon 188,550–230,450
Yew logs 68–82 (noted) Uncommon 11,356–13,694
Yew logs 675–825 (noted) Rare 112,725–137,775
Teak plank 45–55 (noted) Uncommon 16,740–20,460
Mahogany plank 270–330 (noted) Rare 356,670–435,930
Blurberry Special 1 Uncommon 12,008
Vecna skull 1 Very rare* 124,871
Hazelmere's signet ring 1 Very rare* 1,432,268,388
Brawling gloves (Melee) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Magic) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Ranged) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Agility) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Cooking) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (FM) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Fishing) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Hunter) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Mining) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Prayer) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Smithing) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (Thieving) 1 Very rare Not sold
Brawling gloves (WC) 1 Very rare Not sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1 1 Very rare Not sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2 1 Very rare Not sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3 1 Very rare Not sold
Universal drops [ ]
Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim .
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.