All Life points: 2,500
Life points1: 2,500
All Life points: 10,000
Life points2: 10,000
All Slayer experience: 43.2
Slayer experience1: 43.2
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience2: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 166.8
Combat experience1: 166.8
All Combat experience: 729
Combat experience2: 729
All Release date: 9 September 2009
Release date1: 9 September 2009
All Release date: 2 October 2013
Release date2: 2 October 2013
All Combat level: 70
Combat level1: 70
All Combat level: 101
Combat level2: 101
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 8776
NPC ID1: 8776
All NPC ID: 17234
NPC ID2: 17234
A chaos dwarf hand cannoneer is a Chaos dwarf toting a hand cannon. These are the only monsters in the game that drop the weapon and its ammo, Hand cannon shots (dropped in quantities of 100). They can also drop the Dragon pickaxe.
Cannoneers attack mainly with slow, but powerful ranged attacks that can regularly hit around 500 damage with considerable accuracy. They also have a melee attack, which they will only use if Protect from Missiles is activated. If a familiar fights and the dwarf turns on it, the dwarf will always attack with range, so a familiar with high defence and life points (such as a steel titan) is recommended for it to survive longer. These monsters can be killed after the quest Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf in the Chaos Dwarf Battlefield, which is reached through the tunnel by the gold ore vein in the South West corner of Keldagrim mines. These creatures can be a really good source of money due to the ease of killing them even with low level weapons.
Either a shield or the Protect from Ranged prayer are strongly recommended when engaging these enemies due to their damage output and the way their aggression works. Bring Prayer potions, good food, a strong stab weapon, and a super set as well if you plan to stay for an extended time. Guthan's set is notably effective in killing these monsters due to the healing ability, which, combined with use of Prayer renewal potions, super sets, and Soul Split can result in very long and profitable trips. Another effective method, is to use a bunyip combined with bandos armour or better, and the vampyrism aura.