The chapel is a room in a player-owned house where players can recharge Prayer points and receive bonus Prayer experience for offering bones or various types of ashes to an altar. This room can be created with level 45 Construction and 50,000 coins.
The altar recharges Prayer points, as all other altars do. Altars in a POH also allow players to offer bones upon them, providing bonus Prayer experience over simply burying the bones; the maximum bonus of x3.5 (e.g. total experience is 3.5 times experience when burying) is given by a Gilded altar with two burners lit. Note that, unlike most experience-boosting effects, all boosts from altars are multiplicative, not additive, and are applied after all other boosts.
Torches and candlesticks are strictly decorative. Incense burners are lit individually. Each lit burner boosts prayer experience by 50% on top of the altar's experience bonus when offering bones. All three kinds of incense burners give the same prayer bonus. To light the burners, players need a clean marrentill for each burner. At level 99 Prayer, players can use the Prayer cape instead of lighting the burners.
The chapel aligns to either Guthix, Saradomin, Zamorak, or Bob depending on the icon chosen. The default alignment is to Saradomin.
The icon you use affects the way some of the furniture looks in your chapel. For example, if you have a Guthix icon, the windows will have the Guthix symbol on them. If you have a Zamorak icon, the two statues will be of Zamorak, along with the symbol on your altar.