RuneScape Wiki
Chest (magic axe hut)
Release date 10 May 2002 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest No
Location Magic axe hut
Examine I wonder what's inside it.

Three thievable chests are located in the magic axe hut in the deep Wilderness. The hut can be accessed with level 23 Thieving and a lockpick. In order to loot, the player must search for traps before opening. Attempting to open the chest without first searching for traps will result in the player taking 10%+20 life points of damage. The chest must respawn before it can be looted again. While the respawn time is short enough it is possible to continously loot the three chests, they only give 7.5 experience each. Looting one of these chests is a medium Wilderness Task.

There are 9 aggressive magic axes in the hut.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Anchovy pizzaAnchovy pizza1Common600
Coins 100Coins200Common200
Steel battleaxeSteel battleaxe1Common1,929
Steel hatchetSteel hatchet1Common3,019
Mithril battleaxeMithril battleaxe1Uncommon3,550
Mithril hatchetMithril hatchet1Uncommon5,242
Muddy keyMuddy key1Rare10,724
Adamant battleaxeAdamant battleaxe1Rare5,541
Adamant hatchetAdamant hatchet1Rare10,119
Rune battleaxeRune battleaxe1Very rare24,988
Rune hatchetRune hatchet1Very rare9,120

