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Chocatrice cape was removed from RuneScape after an update, but still exists in-game for those who had obtained it.

Chocatrice cape detail

The chocatrice cape is the reward for completing the 2008 Easter event. When operated, the player performs an emote in which a giant Easter egg forms around the player then followed by the player bursting out from the top.

If a player loses their chocatrice cape, it can be reclaimed from Diango in Draynor Village for free. Note that after players earned their cape, they could collect another 10 chocolate chunks and earned the bunny hop emote if they did. It can be stored in the toy box in the costume room of a player-owned house. This was the only non-members item that allowed players to perform a cape emote until the Veteran Capes became F2P content in 17 February 2014. The Chocatrice cape is now a discontinued item. Though casting Low Level Alchemy can be attempted on the cape any number of times, whether using the Explorer's ring or a normal spell, it is impossible to turn it into gold. Should the player try, a message saying: "You doubt the Easter bunny would be impressed if you turned that to gold."

Chocatrice cape emote

The cape's emote.

Combat Stats
RequirementsChocatrice cape equipped
NoneBack slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


  • The cape gave a +2 defence bonus to slash and stab within the first few months, but its bonuses were removed.