RuneScape Wiki

Chocolate chip crunchies detail

Chocolate chip crunchies are introduced with Gnome cooking and are a possible order in the minigame Gnome restaurant. They require level 16 Cooking and completion of Aluft Gianne snr.'s tutorial in the Grand Tree for 106 Cooking experience. Consumption heals 200 to 300 life points depending on the player's Constitution level.


Chocolate chip crunchies
Cooking level 16
Cooking XP 106
Burn level Unknown edit
Utensils Crunchy tray
Ingredients Gianne Dough, Gnome spice, 2 Chocolate bars, Chocolate dust
Range only Yes
To make Chocolate chip crunchies:
  1. Use Crunchy tray > Gianne Dough
  2. Cook on a range
  3. Add Gnome spice and Chocolate bars
  4. Bake on a range
  5. Garnish with Chocolate dust


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • These crunchies were also available to non-members through the Grand Exchange in the past, but have since been removed.
  • Each tray appears to hold 6 crunchies, yet the image showing the finished item is only 3 crunchies.