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Christmas Advent Calendar is a Treasure Hunter promotion running from 1 December 2017 to 25 December 2017. During this promotion different prizes are available to be won from Treasure Hunter each day. Players can also claim one free item each day from the Advent Calendar. Players can retrieve any items they may have missed during December up until the first update of 2018 on 8 January 2018.

To access the Advent Calendar, the default keybind button is F5.

When claiming a prize, the message: Your advent present has been added to your backpack. is given.

Daily free item[]

Day Reward
1 December Christmas loot piñata and a cosmetic token.
2 December 2 medium celebration lamps
3 December An unowned divine simulacrum outfit piece, or a huge fallen star (Divination) if all pieces are owned
4 December Medium protean pack
5 December 3 prismatic medium fallen stars
6 December 3 medium supreme stars
7 December 2 medium lava lanterns
8 December 2 prismatic large fallen stars
9 December 3 medium dark lamps
10 December An unowned gorajan trailblazer outfit piece, or a huge fallen star (Dungeoneering) if all pieces are owned
11 December 2 medium hydra lamps
12 December 100 magic notepaper
13 December Silverhawk boots Silverhawk boots, or Spring cleaner spring cleaner, or 25 Silverhawk down silverhawk down and 25 Tight spring tight springs
14 December An unowned elite trapper outfit piece, or a huge fallen star (Hunter) if all pieces are owned
15 December 2 medium meteorites
16 December 2 medium celebration lamps
17 December An unowned nature's sentinel outfit piece, or a Huge fallen star (Woodcutting) huge fallen star (Woodcutting)
if all pieces are owned
18 December Large protean pack
19 December 5 advanced pulse cores
20 December 2 ancient relics
21 December An unowned Treasure Hunter obtained[1] skilling outfit piece, or a headpiece add-on, or a
Prismatic huge fallen star prismatic huge fallen star if all pieces and add-ons are owned
22 December Random lucky item[2]
23 December 2 medium bright lamps
24 December 2 medium smouldering lamps
25 December 2 Christmas loot piñatas and 10 Treasure Hunter Keys
  1. ^ artisan's outfit, blacksmith's outfit, botanist's outfit, diviner's outfit, farmer's outfit, first age outfit, fletcher's outfit, nimble outfit, shaman's outfit, or sous chef's outfit.
  2. ^ Lucky Ahrim's hood, lucky Ahrim's robe skirt, Lucky Ahrim's robe top, lucky Ahrim's staff, lucky Armadyl chainskirt, lucky Armadyl chestplate, lucky Armadyl crossbow, lucky Armadyl godsword, lucky Armadyl helm, lucky Bandos boots, lucky Bandos chestplate, lucky Bandos godsword, lucky Bandos tassets, lucky chaotic claw, lucky chaotic crossbow, lucky chaotic kiteshield, lucky chaotic maul, lucky chaotic rapier, lucky chaotic spear, lucky chaotic staff, lucky Dharok's greataxe, lucky Dharok's platebody, lucky Dharok's platelegs, lucky dragon claws, lucky eagle-eye kiteshield, lucky farseer kiteshield, lucky garb of subjugation, lucky gown of subjugation, lucky Guthan's chainskirt, lucky Guthan's helm, lucky Guthan's platebody, lucky Guthan's warspear, lucky hood of subjugation, lucky Karil's coif, lucky Karil's crossbow, lucky Karil's top, lucky off-hand chaotic claw, lucky off-hand chaotic crossbow, lucky off-hand chaotic longsword, lucky off-hand chaotic rapier, lucky Saradomin godsword, lucky Torag's hammer, lucky Torag's helm, lucky Torag's platebody, lucky Torag's platelegs, lucky Verac's brassard, lucky Verac's flail, lucky Verac's helm, lucky Verac's plateskirt, lucky Zamorak godsword, lucky Zamorakian spear, off-hand Lucky Armadyl crossbow, 1,000 protean bars, 1,000 protean cogs, 1,000 protean hide, 1,000 protean logs, 1,000 protean memories, 1,000 protean planks, or 1,000 protean traps.

Treasure Hunter[]

1 December: Christmas loot piñatas[]

Christmas loot piñata
Christmas loot piñata
Christmas loot piñata

2 December: Genie's Gift[]

Skill categories[]

All the regular lamps and stars are replaced with the following, while other rewards remain unchanged:

Small bright lamp
Small celebration lamp
Small dark lamp
Small hydra lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge celebration lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Huge prismatic lamp
Huge smouldering lamp

Prismatic category[]

As for the skill-specific rewards, but in addition the following are available:

Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp

Promotional category[]

One of each type of lamp is available at a time, except for celebration lamps that may be replaced with a Christmas loot piñata.

Huge prismatic lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Large hydra lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Small hydra lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large dark lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Small bright lamp
Small dark lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Christmas loot piñata
Huge celebration lamp
Large celebration lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Small celebration lamp

3 December: Divination outfits[]

One unowned Divination outfit piece was available at a time, in addition to the Christmas loot piñata.

Divination energy body
Divination energy feet
Divination energy hands
Divination energy head
Divination energy legs
Divination chronicle body
Divination chronicle feet
Divination chronicle hands
Divination chronicle head
Divination chronicle legs
Divination memory body
Divination memory feet
Divination memory hands
Divination memory head
Divination memory legs
Christmas loot piñata

4 December: Protean items[]

One set of regular protean items of each rarity was offered at a time with one set of protean powerups and a Christmas loot piñata.

Protean bar
Protean hide
Protean logs
Protean plank
Protean memory
Protean trap
Medium protean pack
Protean bar
Protean logs
Protean memory
Protean plank
Large protean pack
Protean logs
Protean memory
Protean plank
Protean trap
Protean powerup
Protean powerup
Christmas loot piñata

5 December: Buried Treasure[]

Antique chest
Experience chest
Protean chest
Skilling chest
Christmas loot piñata

6 December: Supernova[]

Supreme stars took place of all the regular lamp and star prizes. In addition, the Christmas loot piñata was still available as a promotional prize.

Small supreme star
Medium supreme star
Large supreme star
Huge supreme star
Christmas loot piñata

7 December: Lava lanterns[]

Lava lanterns took place of all the regular lamp and star prizes. In addition, the Christmas loot piñata was still available as a promotional prize.

Small lava lantern
Medium lava lantern
Large lava lantern
Huge lava lantern
Christmas loot piñata

8 December: Golden Glow[]

Golden Glow promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Christmas loot piñata

9 December: Genie's Gift[]

Skill categories[]

All the regular lamps and stars are replaced with the following, while other rewards remain unchanged:

Small bright lamp
Small celebration lamp
Small dark lamp
Small hydra lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge celebration lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Huge prismatic lamp
Huge smouldering lamp

Prismatic category[]

As for the skill-specific rewards, but in addition the following are available:

Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp

Promotional category[]

One of each type of lamp is available at a time, except for celebration lamps that may be replaced with a Christmas loot piñata.

Huge prismatic lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Large hydra lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Small hydra lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large dark lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Small bright lamp
Small dark lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Christmas loot piñata
Huge celebration lamp
Large celebration lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Small celebration lamp

10 December: Gorajan trailblazer outfits[]

One unowned outfit piece was offered at a time with the Christmas loot piñata.

Frozen gorajan trailblazer head
Frozen gorajan trailblazer body
Frozen gorajan trailblazer legs
Frozen gorajan trailblazer hands
Frozen gorajan trailblazer feet
Furnished gorajan trailblazer head
Furnished gorajan trailblazer body
Furnished gorajan trailblazer legs
Furnished gorajan trailblazer hands
Furnished gorajan trailblazer feet
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer head
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer body
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer legs
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer hands
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer feet
Occult gorajan trailblazer head
Occult gorajan trailblazer body
Occult gorajan trailblazer legs
Occult gorajan trailblazer feet
Christmas loot piñata

11 December: Hydra Lamps[]

Some of the regular lamp and star rewards were replaced with hydra lamps, while the Christmas loot piñata appeared as a promotional reward.

Small hydra lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Large hydra lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Christmas loot piñata

12 December: Clairvoyance[]

Clairvoyance promotion with the Christmas loot piñata as a promotional prize.

Christmas loot piñata

13 December: Dragon Chests[]

Dragon Chests promotion with the Christmas loot piñata as a promotional prize.

Christmas loot piñata

14 December: Elite trapper outfits[]

One unowned outfit piece was offered at a time with the Christmas loot piñata.

Arctic trapper head
Arctic trapper chest
Arctic trapper legguards
Arctic trapper arms
Arctic trapper boots
Desert trapper head
Desert trapper chest
Desert trapper legguards
Desert trapper arms
Desert trapper boots
Jungle trapper head
Jungle trapper chest
Jungle trapper legguards
Jungle trapper arms
Jungle trapper boots
Christmas loot piñata

15 December: Meteor Storm[]

Small meteorite
Small space dust
Medium meteorite
Medium space dust
Large meteorite
Large space dust
Huge meteorite
Huge space dust
Christmas loot piñata

16 December: Genie's Gift[]

Skill categories[]

All the regular lamps and stars are replaced with the following, while other rewards remain unchanged:

Small bright lamp
Small celebration lamp
Small dark lamp
Small hydra lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge celebration lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Huge prismatic lamp
Huge smouldering lamp

Prismatic category[]

As for the skill-specific rewards, but in addition the following are available:

Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp

Promotional category[]

One of each type of lamp is available at a time, except for celebration lamps that may be replaced with a Christmas loot piñata.

Huge prismatic lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Large hydra lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Small hydra lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large dark lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Small bright lamp
Small dark lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Christmas loot piñata
Huge celebration lamp
Large celebration lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Small celebration lamp

17 December: Nature's Sentinel[]

Nature's Sentinel promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Maple sentinel branch
Maple sentinel boots
Maple sentinel chest
Maple sentinel helm
Maple sentinel trunks
Oaken sentinel branch
Oaken sentinel boots
Oaken sentinel chest
Oaken sentinel helm
Oaken sentinel trunks
Willow sentinel branch
Willow sentinel boots
Willow sentinel chest
Willow sentinel helm
Willow sentinel trunks
Christmas loot piñata

18 December: Protean items[]

One set of regular protean items of each rarity was offered at a time with one set of protean powerups and a Christmas loot piñata.

Protean bar
Protean hide
Protean logs
Protean plank
Protean memory
Protean trap
Medium protean pack
Protean bar
Protean logs
Protean memory
Protean plank
Large protean pack
Protean logs
Protean memory
Protean plank
Protean trap
Protean powerup
Protean powerup
Christmas loot piñata

19 December: Bonus Boosters[]

Bonus Boosters promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Christmas loot piñata

20 December: Smashing Relics[]

Smashing Relics promotion with the Christmas loot piñata as a promotional prize.

Christmas loot piñata

21 December: Bonus Chest[]

Bonus Chests promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Christmas loot piñata

22 December: Rainbows End[]

Rainbow's End promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Christmas loot piñata

23 December: Genie's Gift[]

Skill categories[]

All the regular lamps and stars are replaced with the following, while other rewards remain unchanged:

Small bright lamp
Small celebration lamp
Small dark lamp
Small hydra lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge celebration lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Huge prismatic lamp
Huge smouldering lamp

Prismatic category[]

As for the skill-specific rewards, but in addition the following are available:

Large bright lamp
Large celebration lamp
Large dark lamp
Large hydra lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Large smouldering lamp

Promotional category[]

One of each type of lamp is available at a time, except for celebration lamps that may be replaced with a Christmas loot piñata.

Huge prismatic lamp
Large prismatic lamp
Medium prismatic lamp
Small prismatic lamp
Huge hydra lamp
Large hydra lamp
Medium hydra lamp
Small hydra lamp
Huge bright lamp
Huge dark lamp
Huge smouldering lamp
Large bright lamp
Large dark lamp
Large smouldering lamp
Medium bright lamp
Medium dark lamp
Medium smouldering lamp
Small bright lamp
Small dark lamp
Small smouldering lamp
Christmas loot piñata
Huge celebration lamp
Large celebration lamp
Medium celebration lamp
Small celebration lamp

24 December: Smouldering Lamps[]

Smouldering Lamps promotion with the Christmas loot piñata.

Christmas loot piñata

25 December: Christmas loot piñatas[]

Christmas loot piñata
Christmas loot piñata
Christmas loot piñata