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Christmas ghost hood was removed from RuneScape after an update, but still exists in-game for those who had obtained it.

Christmas ghost hood detail
Christmas ghost hood chathead

The Christmas ghost hood is an item used in 2009 Christmas event, and at the end of the event was also given as a reward. It was used by the adventurer as a ghost disguise in order to scare Ebenezer Scourge into releasing the kidnapped Santa Claus. During the event, players had to make pieces of the ghost costume using bedsheets, chains, thread and a needle.

It can be stored in the Toy box of a player-owned house, along with the rest of the costume and the candy cane.

Combat Stats
RequirementsChristmas ghost costume equipped
NoneHead slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

15 Days of Christmas[]

During the 15 Days of Christmas in 2013, this item, along with other Christmas-themed equipment, were given the Hybrid style of combat, and stats that scaled with the player's levels. This was so players could use these items in combat to assist in hunting for festive crackers during the event.


  • While wearing the full Christmas ghost set, ghosts in Port Phasmatys will assume that the player is a real ghost.
  • Although the full set resembles the outfit of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (minus the chains), it is used by the player to assume the role of all three ghosts (Past, Present, and Yet to Come). The chains might resemble Scrooge's co-worker Jacob Marley who appears in heavy chains to warn Scrooge about the past, the present, and the future.
  • The Christmas Ghost Robes are highly reminiscent of the Citharede Robes from the One Piercing Note quest.

See also[]
