Clean erzille is a herb used in Herblore Habitat. It is made by cleaning a grimy erzille, which requires 54 Herblore. This herb is untradeable in all forms (seed, grimy, or clean). It is used to make unfinished erzille potions. The unfinished potion, along with a corrupt vine (obtained from diseased jadinko), are used to make a juju hunter potions. A step by step guide to the potion can be found here.
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Clean erzille", "image": "[[File:Clean erzille.png|link=Clean erzille]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Grimy erzille", "quantity": "1", "image": "Grimy erzille.png" } ], "skill": "Herblore", "level": "54" }
Clean erzille![Herblore](%3D%3D) | - | ![Make-X GE icon](%3D%3D) |
10 XP | - | - |
Requirements |
Herblore level | 54 |
Members only | Yes |
Materials |
Item | Quantity | Price | Total |
![Grimy erzille](%3D%3D) | Grimy erzille | 1 | N/A | - |