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Clue scroll (CS Week) only appears during events and may not be currently found in game.

Clue scroll (CS Week) detail

The clue scroll (CS Week) is a special clue scroll made for the Customer Support Week 2016, 2017, and 2018 events as well as the Account Security Week 2017 and 2018 events. Players can obtain a clue scroll from Count Check each day during the events, and may claim clue scrolls from previous days, if they were not obtained.

Clues are selected randomly from a list of special clues related to account-safety awareness. A security guard or Totally_not_a_scammer_96 can appear and ask questions at specific locations.

Successfully completing a CS Week clue scroll rewards players with either a scroll box (CS Week), or a casket (CS Week) and a security casket (CS Week). Before obtaining another clue scroll, players must open any caskets they had obtained previously.

Clue scroll (CS Week) reward interface

An example reward from the trail.


Below are the possible clues and their solutions. Use Ctrl+F or +F (Mac) to search for a specific clue.

ID Clue Solution Question
38473 In a room housing at least 7 victims, home to giant red beasts that Theseus may've slain, dig on the easternmost tile. On the first level of the Stronghold of Security, go south through the first gates, then though the second/southern door on the east - a room with only 8 Minotaurs. Dig on the eastern most tile. N/A
38474 Dig directly south of the Cradle of Life that is hidden within death. Dig south of the Cradle of Life on the last level of the Stronghold of Security. Answer: "No!"
38475 In a place of pestilence, dig directly east of a goo-ridden escape. Dig east of the goo-covered vine on the third level of the Stronghold of Security. The vine can be found near the Rewards Chest. Answer: "Secure my computer and reset my RuneScape password."
38476 In a room where famine is rife and fleshcrawlers thrive, dig in the south-east corner. Dig in the south-eastern most point of the second level of the Stronghold of Security. N/A
38477 Dig behind the poster in a jail cell filled with chess pieces and a rock hammer. Pass through the poster in the open jail cell, in the Stronghold of Player Safety. Once inside, dig at the spot you step onto. Answer: "Report the incident and do not click any links."
38478 In a jail located on the edge of the desert, dig directly north of the bed. Dig directly north of the bed in the jail cell at Shantay Pass. N/A
38479 In a village of barbarians, dig directly north of the entrance to a great underground stronghold. Dig directly north of the entrance hole to the Stronghold of Security in Barbarian Village. N/A
38480 Dig at the entrance to a building that prides itself in cooking and banking. Dig outside the Cooks' Guild, by the door. N/A
38481 Dig at the entrance to an exam hall which is invigilated by a certain Henry. Dig at the door of the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. N/A
38482 Search the bookshelf where Henry likes to keep his educational books. Search the shelf north-west inside the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. N/A
38483 In a city of great exchange, at a place of great wealth, knock on the door. Knock on the north-eastern door inside Varrock's western bank. N/A
38484 In a city of great exchange, at a place of great wealth, search some first floor drawers. Search the drawers on the 1st2nd floor[UK] of Varrock's eastern bank. Answer: 7
38485 In the city of white stone, at a place of great wealth with five slots instead of six, check the north noticeboard. Slots refer to bank booths; inspect the noticeboard on the north wall of Falador's western bank. N/A
38486 In the city of white stone, at a place of great wealth with six slots instead of five, check the west noticeboard. Slots refer to bank booths; inspect the noticeboard on the western wall of Falador's eastern bank. N/A
38487 In a place of great wealth in the town of the druids, search the drawers on the uppermost floor. Search the drawers on the 1st2nd floor[UK] of Taverley's bank. N/A
38488 Speak to the guard who'll teach you all about the report button. Speak to the guard in the Stronghold of Player Safety jail cells. N/A
38489 Speak to the professor who is a true buttoned-down examiner. Speak to Professor Henry in the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. N/A
38490 Interrupt the exam of a student who hates maths - he might have something for you. Speak to the central-north student studying in the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. N/A
38491 Speak to: druga napcait kroarniw. Speak to Guard Captain Roarkwin, located in the Port Sarim Jail. N/A
38492 In a spooky village with a spooky manor, dig at the entrance to a jail block. Dig in front of the door of the Draynor Village jail. N/A
38493 In a place of great wealth, atop a castle, speak to the sole supervisor. Speak to the banker on the top floor of Lumbridge Castle. N/A
38494 In a place of great exchange, speak to the one who has time for music and lyrics. Talk to the musician in the south-west corner of Varrock's Grand Exchange. N/A
38495 In a place of great wealth, on the edge of the safe world, speak to the collector of ancient artefacts. Speak to Mandrith in the Edgeville bank. N/A
38496 Speak to the creator of Customer Support clues. Speak to Count Check, located directly south-east of the Burthorpe lodestone. N/A
38497 Stomp on the first floor of the Stronghold of Security. Equip safety gloves and fighting boots. Use the stomp emote anywhere on the first level of the Stronghold of Security with safety gloves and fighting boots equipped. Cosmetic overrides of the gloves and boots that have been keepsaked will work. Answer: "No!"
38498 Use the Safety First emote on the bottom floor of the Stronghold of Security. Equip safety gloves and fancy boots. Perform the Safety First emote on the bottom level of the Stronghold of Security with safety gloves and fancy boots equipped. Cosmetic overrides of the gloves and boots that have been keepsaked will work. Answer: "Talk to any banker in RuneScape."
38499 Flap on the balcony of The Pick and Lute in Taverley. Make sure you equip safety gloves and fancy boots. Perform the Flap emote on the balcony of The Pick and Lute, east of the Taverley lodestone, with safety gloves and fancy boots equipped. Answer: "Through account settings on"
38500 Fish in Lumbridge Swamp. Trust no one and beware of other phishers. Fish at the fishing spot south of the fisherman in Lumbridge Swamp. Answer: "No!"


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