RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Cold War.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Cold War icon
Speak to Larry at Ardougne Zoo.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyIntermediate Intermediate
Official lengthLong
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • 15 Thieving Thieving
  • Ability to defeat several level 42 creatures
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.


Enemies to defeat

Penguin spotting[]

  • Talk to Larry. (Chat )
  • Talk to Larry again when carrying 10 oak planks and 10 steel nails. (Chat 111)

Hello world[]

  • Talk to Larry once on iceberg.
  • Inspect firm snow patch.
  • Use oak plank on firm snow patch.
  • Click on the newly built hut and you will be given the option to cover it in snow. (Chat 1)
  • Enter snowy bird hide.
  • Take note of the emotes the left penguin is doing. You will need this later, you can re-enter the snow bird hide to watch again before the next step if needed.
  • Talk to Larry. (Chat ~)
  • Travel using the nearby boat. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Larry once on the dock.
  • Read clockwork book.

Clockwork penguin[]

  • Make clockwork and clockwork suit (Clockwork toy -> Clockwork penguin) on crafting table 3 or 4 in Player-Owned House. (Making the second suits at this point is optional for the next quest.)
  • Return to Ardougne and talk to Larry. (Chat 111)
  • Talk to Larry on the iceberg. (Chat 21)
    • Accept teleport to the zoo.

Suit up![]

  • Unequip cape and weapons and use the tuxedo-time option on Larry.
  • Enter the penguin pen and talk to the penguin.
  • Use the greeting emotes from earlier.
  • Read the mission report and exit the penguin pen and suit.
  • Talk to Larry twice. (Chat 1)


Fred the Farmer location

Fred's farm.

  • Go north-east to the Lumbridge cow pen and steal a cowbell for later on in the quest.
  • Talk to Larry inside the sheep pen west of Fred the Farmer's house in Lumbridge.
  • Enter penguin suit and talk to the penguins disguised as a sheep.
  • Do the greeting emotes.
  • Talk to sheep penguin again.
  • Exit penguin suit.
  • Talk to Larry. (Chat 1)
  • Equip the Ring of Charos and enter the penguin suit again once at Ardougne Zoo.
  • Enter penguin pen and talk to penguin. (Chat 121)
  • Exit pen and penguin suit.
  • Talk to Larry. (Chat 1)


  • Go back to Lumbridge.
  • Enter penguin suit.
  • Talk to sheep penguin.
  • Exit suit and talk to Fred the Farmer nearby. (Chat 3~)
  • Enter penguin suit and talk to sheep penguin again. (Chat ~)
  • Exit penguin suit.
  • Talk to Larry. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Larry on iceberg.

Surprise, surprise[]

Items needed: Swamp tar, 5 feathers. Dismiss any pets or followers.

  • Get in the penguin suit again and talk to KGP Agent north-west of Larry.
  • Do the greeting emotes.
  • Talk to Noodle.
  • Talk to Noodle again. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to KGP Agent.
  • Investigate avalanche.
  • Enter the first west room.
  • Talk to KGP Agent.
  • Exit room through the west door and then through the north door.
  • Walk north once outside to the agility course.

Agility course[]

If you run out of food any time and do not wish to risk losing your items, you could un-equip the penguin suit, resulting in being caught and stunned, but otherwise returned to where Larry is on the Iceberg. The Surefooted aura makes this part of the quest extremely easy.

Jump penguin Jump!

Jump, I say! Jump!

  1. Climb down the steps and into the water.
  2. Avoid the moving ice in the water.
  3. Climb the stepping stone at the end.
  4. Jump across the next stones reach an ice platform.
  5. After you manage to cross, continue on the path until you come to a shelf with icicles on it. Use the tread softly option to get across. You have to repeat this several times at each shelf. If you fail, you will be hit taking a small amount of damage.
  6. Next, you have to climb up the ice. This can be very annoying, as you take 20 life points each time you fail, and the failure rate is surprisingly high. If you have only the minimal Agility — level 30, for example — a small amount of food may help.
  7. After that, you have a small cutscene of you sliding down a hill.
  • Talk to Agility Instructor.
  • Leave area and talk to Larry.

'Berg bards[]

  • Use a mahogany plank on the leather.
  • Enter the penguin suit and return to the outpost.
  • Enter the second east room and talk to Ping and Pong.
  • Talk to them again. (Chat 2)
  • Operate the control panel to the north of the main hall.
  • Enter the War Room to the east.

Conclusive evidence[]

  • Kill an Icelord and exit the pen.
  • Climb the chasm to the east in the room.
  • Talk to Larry.
  • Quest complete!


Cold War reward
  • 1 quest point
  • 2,000 Crafting experience
  • 5,000 Agility experience
  • 1,500 Construction experience
  • Ability to make the penguin suit. To enter the suit again, you must talk to Larry again at the zoo, pier, farm or Iceberg.
  • Ability to use the Penguin Agility Course
  • Players can also steal more cowbells and make more bongos to play, while in a penguin suit.
  • Ability to contact Larry through the NPC Contact spell.
  • When playing Penguin Hide and Seek, you will receive 2 points for select penguins.
  • 2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Music unlocked