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Combat Improvements Beta was significantly altered after an update.
This article is retained to provide information on past elements of RuneScape.
Combat Improvements Beta
Release date 24 January 2014 (Update)
Subject of testing Combat improvements

The Combat Improvements Beta was released to members and free players on 24 January 2014, to allow them to test new mechanics for the Evolution of Combat, including a new ability called Revolution, the re-release of special attacks, and refinements to PvP.

Players may receive food, runes, ammo, armour and free weapons that possess special attacks from the Trader in Lumbridge. You can also receive damage boosting armour from Mr Ex in Edgeville.

Special attacks[]

Main article: Special attacks

Special attacks are special abilities that are unique to an individual weapons. They can be activated after reaching a certain adrenaline percentage, and will then drain that amount of adrenaline. Use of special attacks inflicts a temporary decrease to adrenaline gain.

The following weapons are the only ones to currently have assigned abilities within the Beta.

Melee weapons[]


The Excalibur and the Enhanced Excalibur special attacks can be performed by using the 'Operate' option while it is worn. This has a 5 minute cool down and does not use adrenaline. How long the effect lasts and how much the effect influence's the player is yet unknown.

Ranged weapons[]

Magic weapons[]

Abilities in the CIB[]

Main article: Ability Book

Attack abilities[]

Attack icon (abilities) Ability Level Attack level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Slaughter Slaughter Threshold 1 30 seconds -15% None Yes check Cause your target to bleed for between 100-250% weapon damage over 5 seconds. If the target moves location, they suffer 3x damage.
Slice Slice Basic 1 3 seconds 8% None Yes check Slice your target for up to 110% weapon damage.
Overpower Overpower Ultimate 2 30 seconds -100% None Yes check Overpower your target, dealing damage up to 200-400% weapon damage.
Havoc Havoc Basic 5 10 seconds 8% Dual wielded weapons X mark Instantly attack with both weapons for 125% of both weapons' damage.
Backhand Backhand Basic 10 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Smack your target with the back of your hand, interrupting their attacks for 3 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Forceful Backhand Threshold 15 15 seconds -15% None Yes check Smack your target with the back of your hand, stunning them for 3 seconds and dealing 200% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Smash Smash Basic 20 10 seconds 8% 2 handed weapon Yes check Smash your target for up to 125% weapon damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP.
Barge Barge Basic 30 20 seconds 8% None X mark Shoulder-barge your target, breaking free of binds and dealing up to 125% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Escape and Surge, and can only be used out of melee distance.
Flurry Flurry Threshold 37 20 seconds -15% Dual wielded weapons X mark Perform a flurry of blows against your surrounding targets, dealing up to 94% weapon damage per hit over 6 seconds. Should any one blow miss, the remaining hits will aim at the original target. Combo attack.
Sever Sever Basic 45 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Sever a tendon, dealing up to 188% weapon damage and reducing any damage they deal by 10% for 5 seconds.
Hurricane Hurricane Threshold 55 20 seconds -15% 2 handed weapon X mark Spin on the spot, dealing up to 219% weapon damage to all adjacent targets.
Massacre Massacre Ultimate 66 60 seconds -100% Dual wielded weapons X mark Rend your target, dealing up to 188% of both weapons damage instantly and causing an additional 313% of weapon damage over 6 seconds.
Blood Tendrils Blood Tendrils Threshold 75 45 seconds -15% None X mark Blood tendrils whip at you and your opponent for 5 seconds. The first hit deals up to 180% weapon damage, with four subsequent hits each dealing up to 90% weapon damage to your target and up to 25% weapon damage to you. Requires reading the Codex Ultimatus to unlock.
Meteor Strike Meteor Strike Ultimate 81 60 seconds -100% 2 handed weapon X mark Crash down on your target with the force of a meteor, dealing damage equal up to 250-350% weapon damage. Critical strikes generate 10% adrenaline for 30 seconds. Only usable on targets with over 50% life points remaining.
Balanced Strike Balanced Strike Ultimate 85 120 seconds -100% None X mark Strike your target, restoring balance. If you have a smaller percentage of your life points than they do of their life points, your target will take the difference as a percentage of their life points in damage. You will be healed for half the difference as a percentage of your life points. Be cautious: if you have more health than your target the effects will be reversed! You will take the damage and they will be healed! Unlocked after completing The World Wakes.

Strength abilities[]

Strength icon (abilities) Ability Level Strength level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Stomp Basic 3 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Kick your target, knocking them back and stunning them for 3 seconds and dealing 200% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Kick, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Kick Kick Basic 3 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Kick your target, knocking them back and interrupting their attacks for 3 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Punish Punish Basic 8 3 seconds 8% None Yes check Punish your target's mistakes, dealing 94% weapon damage, or 125% weapon damage if they're stunned.
Dismember Dismember Basic 14 15 seconds 8% None X mark Dismember your target, dealing 188% weapon damage over 6 seconds.
Fury Fury Basic 24 5 seconds 8% None Yes check Unleash your fury, strike your target three times. Each strike deals 75% weapon damage and increases by 7% with each strike. Combo attack.
Destroy (ability) Destroy Threshold 37 20 seconds -15% Dual wield melee req X mark Perform a destructive attack, dealing damage equal to 188% weapon damage to your target over 6 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds. Combo attack. Deals up to 188% weapon damage with each hit; hits four times.
Quake Quake Threshold 37 20 seconds -15% 2h req X mark Smash your weapon into the ground beneath you, dealing up to 188% weapon damage to all adjacent targets also draining targets defence
Berserk Berserk Ultimate 42 60 seconds -100% None X mark Harness your adrenaline to increase melee damage dealt by 100% for 20 seconds. Also increases all damage taken by 50% and reduces armour rating by 50%.
Cleave Cleave Basic 48 10 seconds 8% 2h req Yes check Cleave through your foes, dealing 188% weapon damage to all targets in a frontal cone.
Assault Assault Threshold 55 30 seconds -15% None X mark Assault your target three times, dealing damage equal to 219% of weapon damage each strike to your target over 6 seconds. Combo attack. Hits four times.
Decimate Decimate Basic 67 7 seconds 8% Dual wield melee req X mark Decimate your target's defences, dealing 188% weapons damage, or 244% weapons damage if they are bearing a shield.
Pulverise Pulverise Ultimate 81 60 seconds -100% 2h req X mark Pulverise your target, dealing 200-250% weapon damage and reducing their damage dealt by 25% for 30 seconds. If an NPC target is defeated with Pulverise you are also granted 50% adrenaline.
Frenzy Frenzy Ultimate 86 60 seconds -100% Dual wield melee req X mark Perform a frenzied attack lasting 10 seconds. Targets standing directly in front of you take damage up to 150% of weapon damage every 2 seconds. Each subsequent hit gains an additional 10% damage. Combo attack.

Ranged abilities[]

Ranged icon (abilities) Ability Level Ranged Level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Piercing Shot Piercing Shot Basic 1 3 seconds 8% None Yes check Shoot your target with a shot dealing 94% weapon damage, or 125% weapon damage if they're stunned.
Snap Shot Snap Shot Threshold 2 20 seconds -15% None Yes check Fire 2 shots in quick succession dealing 100-120% weapon damage on your first shot and 100-210% weapon damage on your second shot.
Deadshot Deadshot Ultimate 3 30 seconds -100% None Yes check Boom! Fire a deadly shot at your target with deals 188% weapon damage instantly, and a further 313% weapon damage over 6 seconds.
Snipe Snipe Basic 7 10 seconds 8% None X mark Take aim at your target, dealing 125%-219% weapon damage after 1.8 seconds, disabling protection prayers in PvP. Combo Attack.
Dazing Shot Dazing Shot Basic 8 5 seconds 8% 2h range req Yes check Shoot an arrow that detonates on contact with the target, dazing them. Deals 157% weapon damage. Target suffers a 10% decrease to accuracy on their next attack.
Binding Shot Binding Shot Basic 10 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Fire a shot which interrupts your targets attack for 3 seconds and binds them in place for up to 10 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Tight Bindings, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Needle Strike Needle Strike Basic 12 5 seconds 8% Dual wield range X mark Launch painful needles at your target that reduce their resistance to critical hits. Target takes 157% weapon damage. Your next attack against the target has a flat 5% increase to critical hit chance.
Tight Bindings Threshold 15 15 seconds -15% None Yes check Fire a shot which stuns your target for 3 seconds and binds them in place for up to 10 seconds and dealing 200% weapon damage. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Binding Shot, Impact, and Deep Impact.
Fragmentation Shot Fragmentation Shot Basic 20 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Fire a shot which fragments on impact, causing your target to suffer damage equal to 100-188% weapon damage over 6 seconds. If the target moves location, they suffer 2x damage. Deals five hits.
Escape Escape Basic 30 20 seconds 8% None X mark Leap backwards up to 7 metres to help maintain range from your target. Will take the player seven squares back, or fewer if there is an obstacle. Shares its cooldown with Surge and Barge.
Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Threshold 37 20 seconds -15% None X mark Rapidly fire at your target, dealing damage equal to 94% of weapon damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds. Combo attack. Deals 94% weapon damage with each hit; hits 8 times.
Ricochet Ricochet Basic 45 10 seconds 8% None Yes check Fire a shot which ricochets off your target, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 100% weapon damage each. Will ricochet to nearby targets even if the initial hit misses.
Bombardment Bombardment Threshold 55 30 seconds -15% None X mark Fire a volley of shots into the air, which come raining down dealing 219% weapon damage to your target and all adjacent enemies.
Incendiary Shot Incendiary Shot Ultimate 66 60 seconds -100% 2h range req X mark Fire an explosive shot at your target, which will detonate after 3 seconds dealing damage equal to 250-350% weapon damage. Critical strikes generate 10% adrenaline for 30 seconds.
Shadow Tendrils Shadow Tendrils Threshold 75 45 seconds -15% None X mark Shadow tendrils whip at your feet multiple times in quick succession for 33-250% weapon damage. They then strike your opponent once for 66-500% weapon damage. Requires reading the Codex Ultimatus to unlock.
Unload Unload Ultimate 81 60 seconds -100% Dual wield range X mark Unload both your weapons at your target's current location for 6 seconds. Every 2 seconds, all targets standing at that location will take damage up to 150% of weapon damage. Each subsequent hit gains an additional 10% damage. Combo attack.
Death's Swiftness Death's Swiftness Ultimate 85 60 seconds -100% None X mark Create a shroud of death at your location for 30 seconds. While you remain within the shroud, your ranged damage will be increased by 50%. If your target stands within the shroud, they will be hit for 10%-20% of weapon damage every 2 seconds. Unlocked after completing The World Wakes.

Magic abilities[]

Magic icon (abilities) Ability Level Magic Level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Asphyxiate Asphyxiate Threshold 2 20 seconds -15% None Yes check Reach out with magical force and choke the life from your target over 6 seconds, dealing damage every 2 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds. Combo attack. Deals ?% weapon damage with each hit; hits four times.
Wrack Wrack Basic 1 3 seconds 8% None Yes check A powerful spell that deals up to 94% active spell damage. Inflicts 125% damage against stunned opponents.
Omnipower Omnipower Ultimate 3 30 seconds -100% None Yes check Bombard your target with each of the 4 elements, dealing damage equal to 200-400% of your active spell's damage.
Dragon Breath Dragon Breath Basic 7 10 seconds 10% None X mark Breathe a mighty cloud of fire in a frontal cone, hitting all targets for damage up to 188% of active spell damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP. Must be next to the target. Does not count as dragonfire.
Sonic Wave Sonic Wave Basic 8 5 seconds 8% 2h mage req Yes check A focused blast of magic that pummels your target, damaging and knocking them off balance. Deals 157% of your active spell's damage. Your next attack has a 10% bonus to accuracy against the affected target.
Impact Impact Basic 10 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, interrupting their attacks and binding them for a short time and dealing 100% of your active spell's damage. Binds targets for up to ? seconds. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, and Deep Impact.
Concentrated Blast Concentrated Blast Basic 12 5 seconds 8% Dual wield melee req X mark Blast your target with three beams of concentrated energy. Each beam deals 75% of your active spell's damage and increases by 7% with each beam. Combo attack.
Deep Impact Threshold 10 15 seconds -15% None Yes check Blast your target with a burst of magical energy, stunning and binding them for a short time and dealing 200% of your active spell's damage. Binds targets for up to ? seconds. Shares its cooldown with Backhand, Forceful Backhand, Stomp, Kick, Binding Shot, Tight Bindings, and Impact.
Combust Combust Basic 20 15 seconds 8% None Yes check Applies a damage-over-time effect to the target, dealing 100-188% of the active spell's damage over 6 seconds. If the target moves location, they suffer 2x damage.
Surge Surge Basic 30 20 seconds 8% None X mark Instantly teleport up to 10 metres in a straight line ahead. Will take the player ten squares ahead, or fewer if there is an obstacle. Shares its cooldown with Escape and Barge.
Detonate Detonate Threshold 37 30 seconds -15% None X mark Summon an explosive ball of energy. The longer you maintain the effect - up to 6 seconds - the more powerful the explosion will become. Using Detonate a second time will trigger the explosion. The caster becomes immobile while Detonate is charging. A set of green arrows will appear when it is fully charged.
Chain Chain Basic 45 10 seconds 8% None Yes check A magical spell that chains between nearby targets, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 100% of your active spell damage each. Will chain to nearby targets only if the initial attack hits.
Wild Magic Wild Magic Threshold 55 20 seconds -15% None X mark Fire an unpredictable double magical attack at your target, which deals between 50% and 215% of your active spell's damage. Hits twice, each hit dealing up to ?% weapon damage.
Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Ultimate 66 60 seconds -100% None X mark Transform into an elemental based on your most recently cast spell. While transformed, your spells are free to cast and your magic damage is increased by 50%. Lasts 20 seconds.
Smoke Tendrils Smoke Tendrils Threshold 75 45 seconds -15% None X mark Fire an unpredictable double magical attack at your target, which deals between 25% and 250% of your active spell's damage. Requires reading the Codex Ultimatus to unlock.
Tsunami Tsunami Ultimate 81 60 seconds -100% None X mark Summon forth a destructive wall of water, damaging all targets in a frontal cone for damage equal to 200%-300% of your active spell's damage. Critical strikes generate 10% adrenaline for 30 seconds. Must be within a few squares of meleeing distance.
Sunshine Sunshine Ultimate 85 60 seconds -100% None X mark Summon a sunbeam to shine over your location, lasting 30 seconds. During this time, provided you remain within the beam, your magic damage will be increased by 50%. If your target enters the beam, they will be hit for 10%-20% of weapon damage every 2 seconds. Unlocked after completing The World Wakes.

Defence abilities[]

Defence icon (abilities) Ability Level Defence Level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Devotion Devotion Threshold 0 90 seconds -15% None Yes check Protection prayers are 100% effective (75% in PvP) for 5 seconds. Killing an opponent extends the effect by 5 seconds up to a maximum of 20 seconds. Must be obtained during the second world event or as a very rare drop from General Graardor and Kree'arra.
Anticipation Anticipation Basic 3 24 seconds 8% None Yes check Concentrate on anticipating your foe's attacks, reducing all damage taken by 10% and providing immunity from stuns for 10 seconds. Does not protect from binds.
Bash Bash Basic 8 15 seconds 8% Shield req Yes check Bash your target with your shield, dealing up to the sum of 100% weapon damage and your shields armour value. Can only be used within melee range.
Revenge Revenge Threshold 15 45 seconds -15% Shield req X mark Enact revenge upon your foes, causing any attacks you receive to increase your damage dealt by 10%, stacking up to 100%. Lasts 20 seconds.
Provoke Provoke Basic 24 10 seconds 8% None X mark Taunt your target, forcing them to focus their attacks on your. Player targets have their damage reduced by 50% when attacking anyone other than yourself. However, you also do 50% less damage when attacking any other player. Lasts 6 seconds.
Immortality Immortality Ultimate 29 120 seconds -100% Shield req X mark Any damage you receive is reduced by 25% for 30 seconds. If you should die during this period, you will miraculously return to life. However, the Immortality effect will be consumed. Heals the user 1/3 of their maximum life points upon resurrection.
Freedom Freedom Basic 34 30 seconds 8% None Yes check Break free of any stuns or snares, and gain immunity to any further ones for 6 seconds. Also clears damage-over-time effects.
Reflect Reflect Threshold 37 30 seconds -15% Shield req X mark Raise your shield, reflecting 50% of any damage you receive back at the attacker. Lasts 10 seconds. Also reduces damage taken from attacks by 50%.
Resonance Resonance Basic 48 30 seconds 8% Shield req X mark The next attack you receive within 6 seconds will heal you instead of harm you. Certain large Boss attacks will have their damage prevented, but will not heal.
Rejuvenate Rejuvenate Ultimate 52 300 seconds -100% Shield req Yes check Channel your adrenaline to help restore 40% of your life points and fully restore your drained stats over 10 seconds. Heals equally much as Guthix's Blessing.
Debilitate Debilitate Threshold 55 30 seconds -15% None X mark Debilitate your target for up to 100% weapon damage, also reducing any damage they deal to you by 50% for 8 seconds. This duration increases if a shield is equipped - longer for higher-levelled shields. If ranging or maging, can be used outside melee distance.
Preparation Preparation Basic 67 20 seconds 10% Shield req X mark Prepare for the fight ahead, causing each attack you receive to reduce the remaining cooldown of Resonance by 3 seconds. Lasts 10 seconds.
Barricade Barricade Ultimate 81 60 seconds -100% Shield req X mark Summon an impenetrable barricade, which prevents all damage received for 10 seconds.
Natural Instinct Natural Instinct Ultimate 85 120 seconds -100% None X mark Instantly leech your target's adrenaline. If fighting a non-player opponent that does not use adrenaline, for the next 20 seconds you will gain 200% adrenaline from your own abilities. Against a player, it depletes their adrenaline bar and gives the adrenaline to you. Unlocked after completing The World Wakes.

Constitution abilities[]

Constitution icon (abilities) Ability Level Constitution Level Cooldown iconCooldown Adrenaline gained Requirement F2P Description Notes
Weapon Special attack Special attack N/A N/A N/A Varies Special attack weapon X mark <Your weapon's spec's title and description here> See Special attacks for more info
Regenerate (ability) Regenerate Basic 10 0 seconds 0% None X mark Focus your remaining adrenaline to heal your wounds over 6 seconds. Does not work during combat. Restores up to 20% of the user's maximum life points.
Transfigure Transfigure Ultimate 10 180 seconds -100% None Yes check You are stunned for 6 seconds. When the stun ends, you heal 250% of any damage taken during the stun, and become immune to stuns for 15 seconds.
Sacrifice Sacrifice Basic 10 30 seconds 0% None Yes check Deal 100% damage to your opponent, ignoring protection prayers. Heal 25% of the damage you deal, or 100% if your target dies.
Siphon Basic 20 60 seconds Up to 10% None Unknown Siphon up to 10 adrenaline from your target if they have more adrenaline than you and protects you from further siphons for 6 seconds.
Incite Incite Basic 24 0 seconds 0% None X mark Dramatically increases the likelihood that your attacks will cause your target to attack you instead of your allies. Lasts until cancelled. Has no effect in PvP. Provoke may be used against players for a similar "taunting" effect.
Defensive Stance Defensive Stance Basic 10 0 seconds 0% None X mark Adopt a defensive fighting stance. Only used within Barbarian Assault.
Aggressive Stance Aggressive Stance Basic 10 0 seconds 0% None X mark Adopt an aggressive fighting stance. Only used within Barbarian Assault.
Reckless Stance Reckless Stance Basic 10 0 seconds 0% None X mark Adopt a reckless fighting stance. Only used within Barbarian Assault.
Balanced Stance Balanced Stance Basic 10 0 seconds 0% None X mark Adopt a balanced fighting stance. Only used within Barbarian Assault.
Guthix's Blessing Guthix's Blessing Ultimate 85 300 seconds -100% None X mark Call on Guthix's spirit, invoking a butterfly that will heal you for 8% of your lifepoints, every 2 seconds for a maximum of 10 seconds. The butterfly may be destroyed by enemies. Unlocked after completing The World Wakes. Shares its cooldown with Rejuvenate and heals equally much.
Ice Asylum Ice Asylum Ultimate 91 300 seconds -100% None X mark Summons a crystal with a total healing capacity equal to three times the caster's maximum life points. It will heal anyone standing near it for 1-7% of their maximum life points every 4 seconds, based on their proximity to the crystal. The crystal disappears after 20 seconds or after reaching its healing capacity, whichever comes first. Requires reading the Codex Ultimatus to unlock; shares cooldown with Rejuvenate and Guthix's Blessing


Like the main game, Polls can be accessed from the social interface, and function in the same way Power to the Players polls do, although they are used to gather feedback, not to decide what should be released.


Yes - work on Legacy Mode
Tier Members Duration Question
Dragonstone poll icon F2P icon 7 February14 February If you've tried the new Revolution feature, do you think it is:
Ready It's working great and is ready for release into the live game.
Nearly It's close but needs some bug fixes and polish.
Problems There are significant issues which need to be resolved.
Don't want I don't like the feature.
Something Else I don't like EoC and am waiting for Legacy Mode.
Ready (56%)


Momentum+ poll
Tier Members Duration Question
Ruby poll icon F2P icon 7 February14 February If you've tried the new Momentum+ feature, do you think it is:
Ready It's working great and is ready for release into the live game.
Nearly It's close but needs some bug fixes and polish.
Problems There are significant issues which need to be resolved.
Don't want I don't like the feature.
Something Else I don't like EoC and am waiting for Legacy Mode.
Ready (51%)

Ability Queuing[]

Ability Queuing
Ability Queuing
Tier Members Duration Question
Diamond poll icon F2P icon 7 February14 February If you've tried the new ability queuing feature, do you think it is:
Ready It's working great and is ready for release into the live game.
Nearly It's close but needs some bug fixes and polish.
Problems There are significant issues which need to be resolved.
Don't want I don't like the feature.
Something Else I don't like EoC and am waiting for Legacy Mode.
Ready (50%)

