Combat dummy MKII
You must manufacture another one at an Invention workbench.
Item: The combat dummy MKII, for all your adrenaline junkie needs.Deployed: The top of the line Combat dummy MKII is there for all your adrenaline pumping needs.
A deployed combat dummy MKII.
A combat dummy MKII is a device that can be made at level 113 Invention . Once deployed, the dummy is attackable by any player for one minute. The primary usage is to generate or stall adrenaline prior to, or during a boss encounter. No experience is gained from fighting it.
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Combat dummy MKII", "image": "[[File:Combat dummy MKII.png|link=Combat dummy MKII]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Deflecting parts", "quantity": "15", "image": "Deflecting parts.png" },{ "name": "Strong components", "quantity": "2", "image": "Strong components.png" } ], "skill": "Invention", "level": "113" } Combat dummy MKII- 600 XP - - Requirements Invention level113 Research: Combat dummy MKII Members onlyYes Materials Item Quantity Price Total Deflecting parts 15 N/A - Strong components 2 N/A -