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Completionist Cape is a subcategory of Completionist achievements for the completionist cape that was released on 18 April 2017.

There are 69 achievements in this subcategory.

# Name Members Description RuneScore
Annihilator Yes Earn 'the Annihilator' title by fighting all four nihil at once. 20
Arc VI - Harbinger of Doom Yes Complete the 'Harbinger of Doom' miniquest. 10
Lunar Master Yes Unlock all lunar spells. (X/11) 25
Task Master Yes Complete all listed Achievements. 0
Pious Prayers Yes Unlock the prayers: Chivalry, Piety, Rigour, Augury. 15
Heal, Quickly Yes Unlock the prayer: Rapid Renewal. 15
Abyssal Reach Yes Unlock access to the Abyss. 10
Desert-ed Ghosts Yes Uncover the ghostly backstory around Desert Treasure. 15
You Be Dead Yes Bury all of the goblin priests in Yu'biusk. 10
Tell-Tale Tarn Yes Find out about Tarn Razorlor's secrets. 15
One Foot in the Grave Yes Attend the funeral of Clarence the mage, and receive your reward. 15
Stay Safe No Fully complete the Stronghold of Player Safety. 5
Stay Secure No Fully complete the Stronghold of Security. 5
Bridge over Fremmy Waters Yes Complete all the unabridged Fremennik Sagas. 15
Deadlier Catch Yes Hunt the Thalassus until it flees for good. (X/11) 10
Long Live the Queen Yes Defeat the Queen Black Dragon and obtain the first dragonkin journal. 10
Big Chinchompa Yes Score 1,111 in a session of the Big Chinchompa minigame. 5
What's Mine Is Also Doric's Yes Complete all of the Doric and Boric tasks. 10
Zarosian Memories Yes Deposit Zarosian memoriam crystals, then search the Sanctum alcove. 20
Seren Memories Yes Deposit Seren memoriam crystals, then search the Sanctum alcove. 20
Port Life Yes Complete the Player Owned Port tutorial. 5
Yaktwee's a Charm Yes Unlock the enhanced Yaktwee stick by catching charm sprites. (X/1,000) 10
Bipedal Mask Yes Construct a Tuska mask. 10
Trip to the East Yes Complete one of the trio storylines from your Player Owned Port. 15
Reaper Crew Yes Defeat every boss at least once to earn the title 'the Reaper'. 0
Elven Titles Yes Obtain the titles of the elven clans. 25
Troublesome Crystals Yes Find all of the memoriam crystals in Prifddinas. 10
Family Spirit Tree Yes Reconnect the Prifddinas spirit tree with her brethren. 10
Sing for the Lady Yes Help Lady Ithell with crystal singing research. 10
Potion for a Lady Yes Help Lady Meilyr to retrieve her lost potion recipes. 15
Uncorrupted Ore Yes Aid Lady Trahaearn in removing some corruption. 10
Rhian in Gold - The Original Yes Fully build the statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices at least once. 50
Famous Yes Earn the title 'The Famous' by completing Morvran's Slayer challenge. 50
Imping Around Yes Collect one of each impling for Daffyd in Prifddinas. 25
Potion Mixer Master Yes Unlock all of the combination potion recipes from Clan Meilyr in Prifddinas. 60
Diaries of the Clans Yes Find the clan journal pages from the Hefin Agility Course in Prifddinas. 10
Invention Gives Me the Blues Yes Purchase all of the blueprints for the Invention Technology devices. 0
Arc III - Spiritual Enlightenment Yes Complete the 'Spiritual Enlightenment' miniquest. 10
Arc - Unlocking Waiko Yes Purchase unlocks from the Waiko reward shop. 30
Arc V - Eye for an Eye Yes Complete the 'Eye for an Eye' miniquest. 10
Arc VII - Tuai Leit's Own Yes Complete the 'Tuai Leit's Own' miniquest. 10
Arc VIII - Ghosts from the Past Yes Complete the 'Ghosts from the Past' miniquest. 10
Arc IX - Damage Control Yes Complete the 'Damage Control' miniquest. 10
Arc X - Final Destination Yes Complete the 'Final Destination' miniquest. 20
Arc - Ancient Eastern Tortle Portals Yes Activate all tortle portals on The Islands That Once Were Turtles. (X/3) 10
Memories of Guthix Yes Attune and hand all engrams in to the Memorial of Guthix. 20
Arc - Upgrading Waiko Yes Purchase the first tier of upgrades in the Waiko reward shop. 30
Arc I - Flag Fall Yes Complete the 'Flag Fall' miniquest. 10
Arc II - Head of the Family Yes Complete the 'Head of the Family' miniquest. 10
Lost Toys Yes Find and squeeze Morytania plushies, and return them to Lex in Canifis. 10
Data Recovery Yes Help the Archivist recover all core memory data in the Hall of Memories. 20
Arc IV - Jed Hunter Yes Complete the 'Jed Hunter' miniquest. 10
Myreque in Memoriam Yes Complete construction of the Myreque memorial and help Veliaf to move on. 15
Claus is Rising Yes Claim a reward from Claus after doing him a favour. 10
Bane Tuner Yes Unlock the spell: Tune Bane Ore. 25
I'm Forever Washing Shadows Yes Aid Lord Amlodd in cleansing shadow cores. 10
Music Maestro Yes Unlock all music tracks. (X/1243) 0
Master Skiller Yes Increase all skills to mastery level. 0
Master Quester Yes Complete all quests. (X/399 Quest Points) 0
Peachy Bones Yes Unlock the spell: Bones to Peaches. 10
Bandos's Memories Yes Recover all 14 of Bandos's memories on Yu'biusk. 15
Almost as Perky as a Prawn Yes Unlock all the Prawn Perks from your Aquarium. 20
Kudos to You Yes Reach full Kudos with the Varrock Museum. (X/198) 25
Slayer Master Yes Earn the title 'Slayer Master' from Morvran's platinum Rush of Blood challenge. 45
Walking the Reef Yes Find all reefwalker's cape scroll pieces in Player Owned Ports. (X/4) 15
Kiln Fighter Yes Complete the Fight Kiln. 20
Out into the Ourania Yes Unlock the spell: Ourania Teleport. 15
Kharshai's Memories Yes Recover all 15 memories for Kharshai during the Mahjarrat Memories miniquest. 15
Make Them Bleed Yes Perform well enough in Rush of Blood to impress Morvran. 20