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Cook's Assistant is the first RuneScape quest ever released.[1] In the quest, players must obtain a bucket of top-quality milk, a super large egg, and a pot of extra fine flour. They need to give the items to the cook, who requires the ingredients to make a birthday cake for Duke Horacio.

This quest was one of the six available during RuneScape's launch, and was originally developed by Paul Gower. It has since gone through a rework and another improvement which introduced different ingredients and additional rewards.

Official description[]

The Lumbridge Castle cook is in a mess. It is the Duke of Lumbridge's birthday and the cook is making the cake. He needs a lot of ingredients and doesn't have much time.


Start pointQuest map icon
Cook's Assistant icon
Speak to the cook in the kitchen of Lumbridge Castle.
Member requirementF2P icon Free to play
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthShort
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • None
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • Empty pot (can be obtained during quest)
  • Bucket (can be obtained during quest)
Enemies to defeat
  • None

A feast for a Duke[]

Cook (Lumbridge) chathead

To start the quest, talk to the cook in the Lumbridge Castle's kitchen on the ground floor on the south side of the castle. He tells you that it is Duke Horacio's birthday, and he is supposed to prepare a cake for the celebration, but he has forgotten to bring some of the ingredients required for the cake. He then asks you to acquire a bucket of top-quality milk, a super large egg, and a pot of extra fine flour for him.

Before heading off to collect the ingredients, take the empty pot sitting on the table in the kitchen if you don't have one with you already.

Top-quality milk[]

Cook's Assistant map

A bucket of top-quality milk may be collected from the Lumbridge cow field. The cow field can be found on the east side of the River Lum north-east of the goblins. To obtain the milk, simply use a bucket on the prized dairy cow. A bucket may be found near the cow if needed.

Super large egg[]

To acquire a super large egg, visit the chicken farm in Lumbridge. The chicken farm is located east of the River Lum and west of the cow field. You can pick up the super large egg there. The egg can also be found outside Fred the Farmer's farm, which is north of Lumbridge Castle and south-east of Mill Lane Mill, a local windmill.

Extra fine flour[]

Lastly, to obtain the extra fine flour, pick up some wheat from the field west of Fred the Farmer's farm. Leave the field, and head north-east to Mill Lane Mill. Speak to Millie Miller about making extra fine flour before climbing to the top floor, so she can convert regular flour into the extra fine kind by realigning millstones. Use the wheat with the hopper and then operate the hopper controls to grind the wheat. Finally, head down to the ground floor to collect the flour by using the empty pot on it.


Head back to Lumbridge Castle and deliver the ingredients to the cook for your reward.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Cook's Assistant reward
  • 1 quest point
  • 300 Cooking experience
  • 500 coins
  • 20 sardines
  • Permission to use the Cook-o-matic 25, which has a lower chance of burning food than other ranges
  • If you have completed the quest before the update that awards 20 sardines and 500 coins, you can claim them at any time by speaking to the cook
  • 2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice


  • Cook's Delights (RuneScore 5) - Claim the cook's extra rewards after the 'Cook's Assistant'.

Required for completing[]

The completion of Cook's Assistant is a requirement to complete the following:


Development and release[]

Paul Gower

Paul (left) and Andrew Gower contributed to the quest

Cook's Assistant was first released on 4 January 2001 on the launch of RuneScape Classic, the same day The Restless Ghost, Demon Slayer, Romeo & Juliet, Shield of Arrav and Sheep Shearer quests were released. It was originally developed by Paul Gower, one of the co-founders of Jagex. Andrew Gower, another co-founder, also contributed to the quest, while Nishal K did the QuestHelp and audio developer Ian Taylor worked on the audio for the quest.[2] A rework of the quest was developed by RuneScape game designer Chihiro Yamada, the Quality Assurance was completed by Daniel G, and the graphics were done by Matt M.[2]

Another improvement was implemented on 15 December 2009.[3] The 500 coins and 20 sardines rewards were added with it. The improvement also changed the type of ingredients that were required. Beforehand, players only had to bring an ordinary egg, bucket of milk and flour to the cook, which meant that they could just finish the quest by talking to the cook twice with the ingredients ready. The second improvement was developed by Fred M, the Quality Assurance was done by Dean O and James H, and the graphics were updated by Alec V, Giuseppe G, and Daniel J.[2]

Reception and sequel[]

In a 2007 poll, 3% of players voted that Cook's Assistant was their favourite novice quest.[4] In another poll in the same year, 50% of players voted that it was the first quest they completed.[5] A sequel to the quest, Recipe for Disaster,[1] was released on 15 March 2006.[6]


  • For the 2013 April Fools' Day, a video was released by Jagex showing the development of 'Cook's Assistant: The Musical', to emphasise how iconic the quest is.[7]


  1. ^ a b Jagex. "Behind the Scenes - March." 6 March 2006. RuneScape News.
  2. ^ a b c d Jagex. Cook's Assistant. RuneScape Game Guide.*
  3. ^ Mod Srowley. Patch Notes - Archive. RuneScape Forums. 16 December 2009. (Archived from the original on 8 July 2011.)*
  4. ^ Jagex. "Favourite quests of all time!", Question What is your favourite Novice Quest?. 23 April 2007. RuneScape Polls.
  5. ^ Jagex. "Do you remember the time?", Question Which quest did you complete first?. 3 July 2007. RuneScape Polls.
  6. ^ Jagex. "Hundredth Quest - Recipe for Disaster!." 15 March 2006. RuneScape News.
  7. ^ Jagex. RuneScape: Behind the Scenes April fools ; ). YouTube.*