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For other uses, see Cooked chicken (disambiguation).

Cooked chicken detail

Cooked chicken is one of the first cooked food items, and is popular amongst new players. It requires a Cooking level of only 1, and can heal 200 life points.

In order to make a cooked chicken, simply cook a raw chicken over a fire, stove, or range. Note that players with lower Cooking levels run the risk of producing a burnt chicken instead.

Cooked chicken substitutes as cooked meat for the meat pizza and stew recipes.

There is also a cooked chicken that respawns in the first floor of the Falador shield shop.

Cooked chicken
Cooking level 1
Cooking XP 30
Burn level 34
Utensils None
Ingredients Raw chicken
Range only No
Use raw chicken with fire or range.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gelatinous abomination41Common
Troll chucker11Common
Troll mage commando51Common
Troll ranger commando51Common
Lumbridge guard (historical)81–2Uncommon
Troll brute11Uncommon
Troll commando51Uncommon
Troll shaman11Uncommon
White wolf (Burthorpe)51Uncommon

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?



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