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Cornucopia (full) detail

A full Cornucopia is used to store food, it can store a maximum of 1,000 life points (equal to 100 life points in Legacy Mode) worth of food:

  • To store food, a player must right-click a food item in their inventory and choose the 'Use' option in conjunction with the cornucopia. (Using the cornucopia on the food, however, results in nothing interesting happening.)
  • To see how many life points of healing are stored in the cornucopia, a player must right click the item and choose the 'Food-count' option.
  • To use the cornucopia to heal, the player must click on it (or right click on it and choose the 'Heal' option).

One click on the cornucopia will replenish the player's health equivalent to the healing amount of food stored in the item. The cornucopia always completely empties when used to heal, even if the player is only 1 life point away from full health. It cannot be used if the player is already at full health. Players aren't allowed to have more than one cornucopia at a time.

Once food is put in a cornucopia, it is impossible to take the food out again. The cornucopia only stores the primary, healing property of food. Secondary properties of food are lost. For example, jangerberries normally heal 200 life points and recover 10 prayer points but when placed in a cornucopia, the prayer recovery effect is lost; the player gains only the healing effect.

Most foods that can heal a variable amount when eaten always heal the maximum amount when placed in a cornucopia. A kebab, however, when placed in a cornucopia heals 10% of the player's total life points (rounded down), which is less than the maximum a kebab can heal.

If lost, another cornucopia can be acquired from Diango in Draynor Village, even if it was originally obtained as a drop or from pickpocketing.

If a player filled a cornucopia before the constitution update, the amount of life points healed remained the same. For example, what would have healed 14 life points before the update (equal to 140 now) still contained 14 life points after it, and not the equivalent 140.

If a Ghast attacks a player and targets a cornucopia with food, the entire cornucopia will become rotten food, not just the contents, and the player will have to retrieve a new one from Diango.


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • The name comes from the Latin phrase cornu copia, which means "horn of plenty".
  • Expensive spices do not affect how much the cornucopia heals the player.