RuneScape Wiki
For other variants of this item, see non-corrupt.

Corrupt Morrigan's coif detail
Morrigan's coif chathead

Corrupt Morrigan's coif is a part of the Corrupt Morrigan's Equipment PvP armour set, obtained from killing Revenants in the Forinthry Dungeon, or as a very rare drop from the Chaos Elemental. It requires level 40 Defence to wear and lasts only for 15 minutes of wearing. After the time is up, the coif will vanish.

Once you wear this item for longer than around 30 seconds, it will have the word (deg) added to its name and it becomes untradeable. Using this item in combat adds the (deg) to its name instantly, also rendering it untradeable.

Combat Stats
RequirementsMorrigan's equipment equipped
40 Defence
Ranged RangedHead slot
65PvP armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour259PvM: 0%PvP: 2.4375%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Chaos Elemental3051Very rare
Revenant cyclops601Very rare
Revenant dark beast1121Very rare
Revenant demon841Very rare
Revenant dragon1261Very rare
Revenant goblin16; 19; 22; 281Very rare
Revenant hellhound701Very rare
Revenant hobgoblin441Very rare
Revenant icefiend371Very rare
Revenant imp141Very rare
Revenant knight1191Very rare
Revenant ork981Very rare
Revenant pyrefiend401Very rare
Revenant vampyre471Very rare
Revenant werewolf531Very rare


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