The Cramulet is an amulet made by the player during the Do No Evilquest by combining the Monkeyspeak amulet with the Ghostspeak amulet. It allows the player to speak to the Monkey Ghost during the quest, which otherwise is impossible as the player would need to wear both the monkeyspeak and ghostspeak amulets at the same time.
After the quest, the Cramulet (monkey, ghost) can also be combined with the following amulets:
The Camulet, allowing the player to speak with camels, teleport to Enakhra's Temple when rubbed, and use its check-charge ability.
The Cramulet (monkey, ghost) can be dismantled into its separate amulets by a right-click option and can also be re-assembled by using the amulets on one another. It is recommended that players be very careful to avoid losing the Cramulet (monkey, ghost). Although a new one can be assembled, its monkeyspeak amulet component is particularly time-consuming to regain.
The Cramulet (monkey, ghost) and variants cannot be used with a Keepsake key.
It's possible to make multiple cramulets by collecting each amulet individually. Dropping the ghostspeak at the priest in the swamp south of Lumbridge and saying that the amulet was lost will give you a 2nd amulet (or 3rd, and so on). The same goes with the camulet, and the m'speak amulet. The catspeak amulet now works like the others. Dropping all cramulets and cat speak amulets will allow you to obtain a new one from the Sphinx and then pick the old ones up from the ground.