All Life points: 0
Life points1: 0
All Life points: 1,250
Life points2: 1,250
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience1: 0
All Combat experience: 80.1
Combat experience2: 80.1
All Release date: 22 April 2014
Release date1: 22 April 2014
All Release date: 12 May 2014
Release date2: 12 May 2014
All Combat level: 7
Combat level1: 7
All Combat level: 7
Combat level2: 7
All Is members only: false
Is members only1: false
All Is members only: false
Is members only2: false
All NPC ID: 19321
NPC ID1: 19321
All NPC ID: 19322
NPC ID2: 19322
The Crassian warrior is a monster that first appears as a non-combat NPC in the quest A Shadow over Ashdale, and later returns as a combat NPC when re-entering the Ashdale Caves post-quest.
During the quest, it acts as a patrolling guard, which players must avoid as a part of a quest puzzle. If the warrior comes into contact with the player (it does not react if it 'sees' the player), it will fire an unavoidable and unblockable ranged attack that causes 28,000 damage - enough to cause instant death. However, this counts as a "safe" death - the player will respawn with all of their items fully intact in a previously cleared room, even hardcore ironman players. Their attack will, however, consume a sign of life or its variants. They cannot be attacked directly during the quest, and must instead be defeated with traps that are activated by pulling levers located strategically within the room they are found in.
After the quest, they can be encountered and fought in the Ashdale Caves through an entrance in the northwest corner of Ashdale. They use mainly melee attacks, but can occasionally use a ranged attack that may cause poison. They do not use their instant death attack here. However, the poison is unusually potent for a monster of this level as it is capable of dealing over 500 damage.
Please note that all drops from the Crassian warrior can only be obtained after a Shadow over Ashdale.