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RuneScape Wiki
For the item used to make Anima Core of Seren armour, see Crest of Seren.
Crest of Seren
Release date 24 March 2014 (Update)
Members Yes
Slot Head
Recolourable No
This cosmetic will not display
in PvP-enabled areas.
Crest of Seren chathead

The Crest of Seren is an in-game cosmetic headgear skin. It is unlocked by searching the alcove on the west side of the Sanctum on Freneskae after depositing all four Seren Memoriam crystals. The Seren Memoriam crystals should not be confused with the Memoriam crystals found throughout Prifddinas. The crest is only available directly from the customisation interface.

Wearing the crest in Seren's chamber on the 1st2nd floor[UK] of the Tower of Voices in Prifddinas while performing the Bow or Curtsy emote is a requirement for one of the elite Tirannwn Tasks.
