RuneScape Wiki
Crossbow Shop
Crossbow Shop (Keldagrim)
Release date 31 July 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Minimap icon Archery shop map icon
Location Keldagrim Marketplace
Owner Hirko
Specialty Crossbows
Hirko location

The Crossbow Shop is a crossbow shop that sells crossbow components and will purchase crossbows from players. It is run by Hirko. Speaking to Hirko will allow the purchase of a bolt pouch. It is located in the west of the eastern ground floor of the Consortium building. This store has the same stock as the other two crossbow stores.

The stall can be stolen from with a minimum thieving level of 49. Doing so successfully will give the player 52 experience, along with either bronze limbs, bronze bolts, or a wooden stock. Depending on the world population, the stall can take from 6 seconds up to two to three minutes to respawn.

Keldagrim Crossbow Stall safe spot

A safespot in Keldagrim. This can be performed by running a few steps behind the boxes, then clicking on the stall to "steal".

It is possible to trap a guard behind a pillar and supply boxes in order to prevent them from being caught.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Bronze bolts Bronze bolts 60 3 coins 1 25 1,320
Iron bolts Iron bolts 50 2 coins 1 43 2,050
Steel bolts Steel bolts 40 8 coins 2 59 2,040
Mithril bolts Mithril bolts 30 20 coins 6 74 1,620
Adamant bolts Adamant bolts 20 58 coins 17 113 1,100
Runite bolts Runite bolts 10 300 coins 90 197 −1,030
Wooden stock Wooden stock 10 20 coins 12 21 10
Oak stock Oak stock 10 27 coins 16 42 150
Willow stock Willow stock 10 53 coins 15 51 −20
Teak stock Teak stock 10 77 coins 46 60 −170
Maple stock Maple stock 5 100 coins 60 106 30
Mahogany stock Mahogany stock 2 133 coins 31 100 −66
Yew stock Yew stock 1 167 coins 100 222 55
Bronze limbs Bronze limbs 10 20 coins 12 163 1,430
Iron limbs Iron limbs 10 70 coins 42 158 880
Steel limbs Steel limbs 10 250 coins 150 393 1,430
Mithril limbs Mithril limbs 5 650 coins 390 830 900
Adamantite limbs Adamantite limbs 2 1,600 coins 960 3,048 2,896
Runite limbs Runite limbs 1 16,000 coins 9,600 7,065 −8,935
Bronze crossbow Bronze crossbow 10 73 coins 21 2,666 25,930
Iron crossbow Iron crossbow 10 157 coins 47 2,809 26,520
Steel crossbow Steel crossbow 10 360 coins 108 3,641 32,810
Mithril crossbow Mithril crossbow 5 783 coins 234 6,839 30,280
Adamant crossbow Adamant crossbow 2 1,767 coins 530 14,784 26,034
Rune crossbow Rune crossbow 1 16,200 coins 9,573 −6,627
Off-hand bronze crossbow Off-hand bronze crossbow 10 73 coins 21 1,059 9,860
Off-hand iron crossbow Off-hand iron crossbow 10 157 coins 47 565 4,080
Off-hand steel crossbow Off-hand steel crossbow 10 360 coins 108 2,651 22,910
Off-hand mithril crossbow Off-hand mithril crossbow 5 783 coins 234 3,144 11,805
Off-hand adamant crossbow Off-hand adamant crossbow 2 1,767 coins 530 10,915 18,296
Off-hand rune crossbow Off-hand rune crossbow 1 16,200 coins 9,536 −6,664
Bronze 2h crossbow Bronze 2h crossbow 10 73 coins 21 1,074 10,010
Iron 2h crossbow Iron 2h crossbow 10 157 coins 47 2,775 26,180
Steel 2h crossbow Steel 2h crossbow 10 360 coins 108 4,010 36,500
Mithril 2h crossbow Mithril 2h crossbow 5 783 coins 234 6,505 28,610
Adamant 2h crossbow Adamant 2h crossbow 2 1,767 coins 530 16,449 29,364
Rune 2h crossbow Rune 2h crossbow 1 16,200 coins 4,057 −12,143