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Crystal chest
Crystal chest
Release date 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest No
Location Taverley
Examine A crystal key can open it.
Crystal chest location
Crystal chest
Crystal chest (Prifddinas)
Release date 22 September 2014 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest Plague's End
Location Prifddinas
Examine A crystal key can open it.
Crystal chest (Prifddinas) location

The crystal key chest is a treasure chest located in Ivy Sophista's house in Taverley. A second chest is located in Prifddinas in the Iorwerth Clan district. The chests are locked and can only be opened by a crystal key. Attempting to open the chest without the crystal key yields the message: "This chest is securely locked shut." The crystal key is made up of a loop half of a key and a tooth half of a key; you can make the crystal key by using them with each other or selecting the "Assemble" option.

Opening a crystal chest grants a variety of rewards, which always include an uncut dragonstone. The crystal chest in Prifddinas grants slightly better rewards than the Taverley chest. The crystal key sells for more than most of the rewards, making it generally more profitable to sell the key than to use it. The key is used once and disappears upon usage.

Rewards possibilities[]

The chest loot always includes an uncut dragonstone, together with a random reward generated from 13 possible reward tables. Below are the values of the chest's contents, based on current Grand Exchange prices. Unless otherwise specified, all possibilities give all of the listed rewards when obtained.

After an update, wearing a ring of wealth will increase your chances of getting a better drop.

It is only possible to obtain rune platelegs if you are a male character, and a rune plateskirt if you are a female character.

Taverley chest[]

Possibility 1 - Fruit tree seed[]

The expected value of Possibility 1 is 17,139, which is a profit/loss of −4,672 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Calquat tree seedCalquat tree seed1Common[1]321
Papaya tree seedPapaya tree seed1Common[1]2,896
Palm tree seedPalm tree seed1Uncommon[1]39,600
  1. ^ a b c With Possibility 1, you are guaranteed to get either a calquat tree seed, a papaya tree seed or a palm tree seed. Both the calquat and papaya tree seed have a probability of 5:11 (45.45%), and the palm tree seed has a probability of 1:11 (9%).
Possibility 2 - Lantadyme seeds[]

The expected value of Possibility 2 is 13,529, which is a profit/loss of −8,282 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed2Common1,452
Possibility 3 - Grimy torstols[]

The expected value of Possibility 3 is 22,855, which is a profit/loss of 1,044 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Grimy torstolGrimy torstol2Common10,778
Possibility 4 - Runes[]

The expected value of Possibility 4 is 172,427, which is a profit/loss of 150,616 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Law runeLaw rune50Common28,500
Chaos runeChaos rune50Common7,600
Cosmic runeCosmic rune50Common20,600
Death runeDeath rune50Common11,600
Nature runeNature rune50Common20,250
Body runeBody rune200Common9,600
Mind runeMind rune200Common3,800
Earth runeEarth rune200Common3,600
Air runeAir rune200Common18,000
Water runeWater rune200Common5,000
Fire runeFire rune200Common31,800
Possibility 5 - Iron ore[]

The expected value of Possibility 5 is 101,877, which is a profit/loss of 80,066 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Iron oreIron ore200 (noted)Common89,800
Possibility 6 - Coal[]

The expected value of Possibility 6 is 28,877, which is a profit/loss of 7,066 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
CoalCoal150 (noted)Common16,800
Possibility 7 - Rune bars[]

The expected value of Possibility 7 is 21,032, which is a profit/loss of −779 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune barRune bar3Common8,955
Possibility 8 - Gems[]

The expected value of Possibility 8 is 32,132, which is a profit/loss of 10,321 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Uncut diamondUncut diamond3Common14,529
Uncut rubyUncut ruby3Common5,526
Possibility 9 - Loop half of a key[]

The expected value of Possibility 9 is 38,130, which is a profit/loss of 16,319 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Coins 10000Coins15,000Common15,000
Possibility 10 - Tooth half of a key[]

The expected value of Possibility 10 is 38,615, which is a profit/loss of 16,804 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Coins 10000Coins15,000Common15,000
Possibility 11 - Rune platebody[]

The expected value of Possibility 11 is 49,557, which is a profit/loss of 27,746 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune platebodyRune platebody1Common37,480
Possibility 12 - Rune platelegs or plateskirt[]

The expected value of Possibility 12 is 49,079 for male characters and 49,138 for female characters, which is a profit/loss of 27,268 for male characters and 27,327 for female characters, if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune platelegsRune platelegs1Common[1]37,002
Rune plateskirtRune plateskirt1Common[1]37,061
  1. ^ a b With Possibility 12, you are guaranteed to get either a rune platelegs or rune plateskirt. Male characters will always receive a rune platelegs, while female characters will always receive a rune plateskirt.
Possibility 13 - Dragonstone armour[]

The expected value of Possibility 13 is 7,292,370, which is a profit/loss of 7,270,559 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Receiving this possibility is very rare, at a rate of 1/6801.[1]
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Dragonstone helmDragonstone helm1Very rare[2]7,341,200
Dragonstone hauberkDragonstone hauberk1Very rare[2]12,743,872
Dragonstone greavesDragonstone greaves1Very rare[2]6,133,880
Dragonstone gauntletsDragonstone gauntlets1Very rare[2]5,932,094
Dragonstone bootsDragonstone boots1Very rare[2]4,250,417
  1. ^
  2. ^ a b c d e With Possibility 13, you are guaranteed to get exactly one piece of dragonstone armour. Each piece has the same probability of being received.

Prifddinas chest[]

This chest was released with the first part of Prifddinas on 22 September 2014, and is located in the Iorwerth Manor against the south wall. It has an improved drop table over the chest in Taverley. At the least, the player should still wear a Ring of wealth when opening either crystal chest.

Possibility 1 - Tree seeds[]

The expected value of Possibility 1 is 55,516.6, which is a profit/loss of 33,705.6 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Yew seedYew seed1Common15,302
Papaya tree seedPapaya tree seed1Common2,896
Elder seedElder seed1Uncommon180,802
Possibility 2 - Herb seeds[]

The expected value of Possibility 2 is 13,979, which is a profit/loss of −7,832 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed1Common822
Torstol seedTorstol seed2Common1,080
Possibility 3[]

The expected value of Possibility 3 is 49,832, which is a profit/loss of 28,021 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme5Common37,755
Crystal tree blossomCrystal tree blossom1CommonNot sold
Possibility 4 - Talismans[]

The expected value of Possibility 4 is 18,178, which is a profit/loss of −3,633 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Fire talismanFire talisman(noted)Common1,045
Water talismanWater talisman(noted)Common5,056
Possibility 5 - Rune Halberd[]

The expected value of Possibility 5 is 21,455, which is a profit/loss of −356 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune halberdRune halberd1Common9,378
Possibility 6 - Ores[]

The expected value of Possibility 6 is 23,307, which is a profit/loss of 1,496 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
CoalCoal80 (noted)Common8,960
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore10 (noted)Common2,270
Corrupted oreCorrupted ore50CommonNot sold
Possibility 7 - Rune bars[]

The expected value of Possibility 7 is 21,032, which is a profit/loss of −779 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune barRune bar3Common8,955
Possibility 8 - Uncut gems[]

The expected value of Possibility 8 is 32,132, which is a profit/loss of 10,321 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Uncut diamondUncut diamond3Common14,529
Uncut rubyUncut ruby3Common5,526
Possibility 9 - Loop half of a key[]

The expected value of Possibility 9 is 23,130, which is a profit/loss of 1,319 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Crystal motherlode shardCrystal motherlode shard10CommonNot sold
Possibility 10 - Tooth half of a key[]

The expected value of Possibility 10 is 23,615, which is a profit/loss of 1,804 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Crystal motherlode shardCrystal motherlode shard10CommonNot sold
Possibility 11 - Rune armour[]

The expected value of Possibility 11 is 63,619, which is a profit/loss of 41,808 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune full helmRune full helm1Common20,892
Rune kiteshieldRune kiteshield1Common30,650
Possibility 12 - Rune platelegs or plateskirt[]

The expected value of Possibility 12 is 49,079 for male characters and 49,138 for female characters, which is a profit/loss of 27,268 for male characters and 27,327 for female characters, if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Rune platelegsRune platelegs1Common[1]37,002
Rune plateskirtRune plateskirt1Common[1]37,061
  1. ^ a b With Possibility 12, you are guaranteed to get either a rune platelegs or rune plateskirt. Male characters will always receive a rune platelegs, while female characters will always receive a rune plateskirt.
Possibility 13 - Dragonstone armour[]

The expected value of Possibility 13 is 7,292,370, which is a profit/loss of 7,270,559 if buying the crystal key on the GE.

Receiving this possibility is very rare, at a rate of 1/6801.[1]
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Always12,077
Dragonstone helmDragonstone helm1Very rare[2]7,341,200
Dragonstone hauberkDragonstone hauberk1Very rare[2]12,743,872
Dragonstone greavesDragonstone greaves1Very rare[2]6,133,880
Dragonstone gauntletsDragonstone gauntlets1Very rare[2]5,932,094
Dragonstone bootsDragonstone boots1Very rare[2]4,250,417
  1. ^
  2. ^ a b c d e With Possibility 13, you are guaranteed to get exactly one piece of dragonstone armour. Each piece has the same probability of being received.


Taverley chest[]

The probabilities in this section are an estimation based on the data of 1000 crystal chest loots on the Taverley chest, while wearing a luck of the dwarves.
Possibility Percentage
Possibility 1: Fruit tree seed 6.4%[notes 1]
Possibility 2: Lantadyme seeds 7.9%
Possibility 3: Grimy torstols 9.4%
Possibility 4: Runes 10%
Possibility 5: Iron ore 9.1%
Possibility 6: Coal 9.8%
Possibility 7: Rune bars 9.4%
Possibility 8: Gems 8.3%
Possibility 9: Loop half of a key 7.4%
Possibility 10: Tooth half of a key 6.8%
Possibility 11: Rune platebody 7.2%
Possibility 12: Rune platelegs or plateskirt 8.3%
Possibility 13: Dragonstone armour < 0.01%
  1. ^ The official RuneScape wiki lists the probability of receiving a calquat or papaya tree seed at 5:11 (45.45%) each and the probability of receiving a palm tree seed at 1:11 (9%). This data shows a probability of 48.45% for the calquat, 42.18% for the papaya, and 9.37% for the palm tree seed.

Using these probabilities, the expected average profit/loss, per crystal key, when looting the crystal chest is 29,584. Assuming you will receive whichever of the rune platelegs and rune plateskirt is worth more, and the crystal key is bought at GE price. This is excluding the possibility of receiving a dragonstone armour piece, as this possibility is much too rare to estimate with any acceptable accuracy.

Prifddinas chest[]

The probabilities in this section are an estimation based on the data of 20,000 loots of the Prifddinas crystal chest while wearing luck of the dwarves. The loot from the Prifddinas chest is not affected by the Voice of Seren.[1]
Possibility Percentage
Possibility 1: Tree seeds 7.59%
Possibility 2: Herb seeds 7.555%
Possibility 3: Grimy lantadymes 4.47%
Possibility 4: Talismans 7.545%
Possibility 5: Rune Halberd 6.00%
Possibility 6: Ores 10.36%
Possibility 7: Rune bars 9.455%
Possibility 8: Gems 9.525%
Possibility 9: Loop half of a key 9.30%
Possibility 10: Tooth half of a key 9.045%
Possibility 11: Rune full helm and rune kiteshield 8.81%
Possibility 12: Rune platelegs or plateskirt 10.34%
Possibility 13: Dragonstone armour < 0.01%

Using these probabilities, the expected average profit/loss, per crystal key, when looting the crystal chest is 10,782. Assuming you will receive rune platelegs, the crystal key is bought at GE price and the luck of the dwarves ring is worn. This is excluding the possibility of receiving a dragonstone armour piece, as this possibility is much too rare to estimate with any acceptable accuracy.

Estimate probabilities for non-guaranteed loot are:

  • 17.785% chance of crystal motherlode shard when rolling possibility 9 or 10. This assumes that possibility 9 and 10 yield the same chance for crystal motherlode shards.
  • 8.675% chance of receiving elder seed when rolling possibility 1.
  • 63.385% chance of receiving papaya tree seed when rolling possibility 1.
  • 27.94% chance of receiving yew seed when rolling possibility 1.
  • 20.39% chance of receiving dwarf weed seed when rolling possibility 2.
  • 79.61% chance of receiving torstol seed when rolling possibility 2.


  • The crystal key chest was reworked on 11 June 2013 with the release of the Triskelion Treasures. Previous old drops, such as receiving 2,000 coins and a Spinach roll along with an Uncut dragonstone, were removed, and new ones were added, such as the Dragonstone armour.
  • The estimated dragonstone armour possibility chance is about 0.000147%.


  1. ^ Mod Hunter. 10K crystal chests VoS vs. no VoS. 2017-06-29. "If nothing else all of your testing has at least gained mod confirmation that there isn't - and has never been - any impact from the VoS on the crystal chest."*