RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the skilling tool. For the hunter creature, see Crystal skillchompa (Hunter).

Crystal skillchompa detail

Crystal skillchompas are a special type of weapon obtained by catching crystal skillchompas in the Isafdar forest, north of the Tyras Camp at level 97 Hunter. When wielded, they provide a number of benefits in the Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, and Divination skills. They require level 71 in the relevant skill to be used.

Every action done with a skillchompa consumes one, regardless of the success of the action. Skillchompas grant an additional 10% experience on successful completion of an action and additionally grant experience equivalent to 5% of having successfully completed an action each time an action is attempted unsuccessfully. For example, because mining coal gives 50 experience normally, using skillchompas gives 2.5 experience each time a player fails to mine coal and 55 experience when successful. The skillchompas do not need to be wielded to grant the extra experience; they can be consumed from the inventory.

They also provide specific benefits in each of the skills they aid. When used in Mining and Woodcutting, they operate as a crystal pickaxe or crystal hatchet, respectively. When used to train Divination, they give an extra 22.5% chance of obtaining an enriched memory when harvesting wisps. When used in Fishing, they grant a 5% increased chance to catch a fish or item. This allows for an expensive, but slightly faster method of training relatively slow skills.

Crystal skillchompa's are a rather expensive method to train skills, but add quite a bit to one's experience gained per hour. Using them at seren stones gave an average experience gained per hour of about 252,000. An hour without crystal skillchompas gave an average of about 206,000 experience gained. An increase of 46,000 experience per hour was gained while using an average of 1800 chinchompas per hour with a current price of 2,597,400 per hour.

Combat Stats
RequirementsCrystal skillchompa equipped
NoneMain hand slot
Range? (edit)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


  • If attempting to release more than four chinchompas a confirmation message will pop up.
  • If a player attempts to cast analyse or disassemble on this item, they will get the message You monster! You can't disassemble a living thing.