RuneScape Wiki

Cultivated shard detail

The cultivated shard is used to make the gatherer's cape and gatherer's hood. They are occasionally obtained by players with 99 Farming when training Farming. When combined with the balanced shard (Divination), wooden shard (Woodcutting), damp shard (Fishing), mineral shard (Mining) and trapped shard (Hunter), it will turn into the gatherer's cape and hood. The cape has the same bonuses as other Capes of Accomplishment but it comes with a different emote and boosts all relevant skills to 100 when operated.

If you do not have space in your inventory, you'll get the message: "You found a shard emanating magical energy as you were training, but there was no space in your inventory to take it." Once there is a free space, the shard will be obtained.

If a player owns the expert skillcape shard bag, the shard will automatically be added to that bag, even if it is in the bank.

The following activities may yield a cultivated shard:

  • Harvesting vegetables
  • Harvesting hops
  • Harvesting herbs
  • Harvesting flowers
  • Harvesting bushes
  • Harvesting fruit trees
  • Planting seeds in patches
  • Planting saplings in patches
  • Farming activities within the Arc
  • Farming activities on the Player Owned Farm