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For the alchemist, see 'Currency' The Alchemist.
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A Fist of Guthix token

Currencies are items which can be exchanged and are commonly used for various transactions in RuneScape.

Coins (or gold pieces - "gp") are the main form of currency and are almost universal, as they are accepted by most NPC's and are the currency used by the Grand Exchange. All other currencies may only be used at their specific location. Only trading sticks are comparable to gold pieces in that they can be used to buy and sell items in multiple places as well as to trade with other players, although their usage is much more limited than usage of gold pieces. Minigames often have dedicated currencies associated with them.

Occasionally, Spirit shards are used by players as a currency to buy highly expensive, rare discontinued items such as partyhats, to circumvent the max stack limit.



Currency Location Example usage
Coins 10000 Coins Coin of the realm of Gielinor Player trading, Grand Exchange, most NPC shops
Archery ticket Archery tickets Ranging Guild Buying ranging items
Rusty coins Rusty coins Dungeoneering (Daemonheim) Buying Smuggler's shop items
Trading sticks Trading sticks Tai Bwo Wannai Clothing, services
Zemomark Zemomarks New Varrock Player trading and NPC shops during Dimension of Disaster


Currency Location Example usage
Crunchy claw token Crunchy claw tokens Mogre Camp Buying crab pets
Ecto-token Ecto-tokens Port Phasmatys and Ectofuntus Passage into Port Phasmatys
Paramaya ticket Paramaya tickets Paramaya Inn Access to Paramaya Inn at Shilo Village
Reward token (Gnome Restaurant) Reward token Gnome Restaurant Food delivery
Postage stamps Postage stamps Parcels from the Hedge Exchange in Postie Pete's Post Office for lost property or an unclaimed parcel.


Many currencies are virtual (or kept 'on record') and don't exist in an item form. Thus, these do not take up inventory or bank space, and only appear in specific interfaces. This also makes them untradeable. For example, Pizazz points are stored in a Pizazz hat, and thaler are displayed only in Stanley Limelight Traders store.


Name Source
Tokkul Tokkul TzHaar City activities
Chimes 1000 Chimes The Arc
Taijitu Taijitu
Ecto-token Ecto-token Ectofuntus
Teci Teci Liberation of Mazcab
Reaper points Reaper points Soul Reaper
Slayer points Slayer points Slayer
Co-op Slayer points Co-op Slayer points Co-op slayer
Runespan points Runespan points Runespan
Pilfer points Pilfer points Safecracking
Jadinko Favour Jadinko Favour Herblore Habitat (Jadinko Lair)
Dungeoneering token currency pouch icon Dungeoneering tokens Dungeoneering
Supplies (Uncharted Isles) Supplies Rosie (supplies)
Beans Beans Player-owned farm

Distractions & Diversions[]

Name Source
Penguin points Penguin points Penguin Hide and Seek
Fishing token Fishing tokens Fish Flingers
Hanky points Hanky points Thieves' Guild
Gemstone golem fragments Gemstone golem fragments Training Mining (70+)
Rune ethereal fragments Rune ethereal fragments Training Runecrafting (70+)
Shark fragments Shark fragments Training Fishing (70+)
Camouflage fragments Camouflage fragments Training Thieving (70+)
Memory strand Memory strand Memorial to Guthix
Divination fragments Divination fragments Training Divination (70+)
Treasure Trail points Treasure Trail Points Completing Treasure Trails
Dungeoneering fragments Dungeoneering fragments Training Dungeoneering (70+)
Master farmer fragments Master farmer fragments Training Farming (70+)


Name Source
Thaler Thaler Most minigames
Pieces of eight Pieces of eight Trouble Brewing
Agility Arena ticket Agility Arena ticket Brimhaven Agility Arena
Castle wars ticket (gold) Castle wars ticket (gold) Castle Wars
Castle wars ticket (silver) Castle wars ticket (silver)
Runecrafting guild token Runecrafting guild token Great Orb Project
Fist of Guthix token Fist of Guthix token Fist of Guthix
Brian points Brian points Flash Powder Factory
Produce points Produce points Livid Farm
Stealing creation points Stealing Creation points Stealing Creation
Vinesweeper points Vinesweeper points Vinesweeper
Void Knight commendation points Void Knight commendation points Pest Control, Conquest
Zeal Zeal points Soul Wars
Reward Currency Reward Currency Tuska Comes
Renown Renown Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza
Reward points Reward points Heist
Deathmatch points Deathmatch points Deathmatch
Investment Credits Investment Credits Mobilising Armies
Reward Credits Reward Credits
Telekinetic Pizazz points Telekinetic Pizazz points Mage Training Arena
Alchemist Pizazz points Alchemist Pizazz points
Enchantment Pizazz points Enchantment Pizazz points
Graveyard Pizazz points Graveyard Pizazz points
Attacker points Attacker points Barbarian Assault
Defender points Defender points
Collector points Collector points
Healer points Healer points
Strength points Strength points Warriors' Guild
Defence points Defence points
Attack points Attack points
Combat points Combat points
Balance points Balance points
Bounty Hunter points Bounty Hunter points Bounty Hunter
Shattered anima Shattered anima Shattered Worlds
Bottle corks Bottle corks Dimension of the Damned


The following are not mentioned in the currency pouch, but are virtual:

Currency Location Example usage
Credits Vic's Store Treasure Hunter items
Crystal urchin points Prifddinas Waterfall Fishing Shop Ability to make crystal fishing rods, hermit crab shells, experience lamp, title
Loyalty points Loyalty points Solomon's General Store Animations, cosmetic items, emotes
Renown and Reward Currency World events Animations, overrides, armour, experience
Respect Artisans Workshop Upgrades, cannons
Runecoin RuneCoins Solomon's General Store Animations, cosmetic items, emotes
Silver pennies Gypsy Aris' Reward Shop Rewards after Dimension of Disaster
Treasure Trail points Treasure Trails Titles, rerolls, skip tokens


Currency Removal date Location Example usage
Contribution Points 19 September 2012 Gielinor Games Reward Shop Athlete outfits, emotes, title
Costume points 25 February 2009 Random event gift Random event clothing
Frog token Frog tokens 25 February 2009 Thessalia's Fine Clothes Random event clothing
Noumenon Favour 10 November 2015 2015 Hallowe'en event Deployable herb burner, Kharidian cat, Amascut gravestone, Icthlarin gravestone, Experience
Sliskelion piece Sliskelion piece 20 December 2016 God Scoreboard Exchange 50 for a weekly Sliskelion XP lamp.
Anagogic ort Anagogic Ort 30 July 2018 Clan Citadel Hand in for a weekly buff from the clan avatar