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Curry leaf detail

A curry leaf is a large, yellow-green leaf which can be picked off a curry tree grown from a curry tree seed in a fruit tree patch using the Farming skill. Level 42 Farming is required to grow curry trees. Farmers require 5 baskets of bananas as payment to watch over a curry tree.

Players may add 3 curry leaves to an uncooked stew which can then be cooked to make curry. It is unprofitable to do this as the value of 3 curry leaves well exceed that of a curry stew at the Grand Exchange.

Curry leaves are also a possible reward for looting a gourmet impling or an eclectic impling caught in an impling jar.

Farmers require 10 curry leaves as payment to watch over a watermelon seed patch.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Eclectic implingN/A1Common
Gourmet implingN/A1Common
Gourmet impling jarN/A1Common

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


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