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RuneScape Wiki

A Cursor in RuneScape, if turned on in the Graphics options menu, are by default a simple silver-coloured mouse pointer. However, when hovering certain options (such as eating food) in the game, a "bubble" appears over the cursor, inside which is an image that shows what action will be performed if the user were to click on that option.


Headless arrow
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Reason: Actions needed
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Cursor Action
Attack cursor Attack
Agility cursor Balance on, Break in, Cross, Climb, Climb-across, Climb over, Climb-over, Climb-up, Disarm, Get sea legs, Jump-down, Jump-onto, Merge with, Jump-over, Leap across, Leap through, Run-across, Run-up, Scale, Shimmy across, Slide down, Swing-across, Swing-on, Swing-to, Walk, Walk-across, Walk-on, Teeth-grip, Traverse, Leave-it-to-Ozan, Vault
Construction cursor Buy plank, Deploy, Repair, Tune
Cooking cursor Use, Chop, Deploy, Stew, Cook at
Cooking cursor 2 Cook at, Slice
Crafting cursor Craft, Fire, Make Leather, Pick (only the ones in Gnome Stronghold), Spin, Use, Form, Fill, Play, Tan hide, Weave, deploy
Divination cursor Harvest, Give memory strands, Convert cores, Convert memories, Weave
Dungeoneering cursor Consume, Interact
Farming cursor Forage, Put egg in
Fletching cursor Bundle, Deploy
Firemaking cursor Add-logs, Burn, Cleanse, Fire up, Light, Melt, Pedal, Make-fire, Make-fire-here, Deploy
Fishing cursor Aid, Bait, Cage, Catch, Harpoon, Net, Fish, Fish-near, Use-rod, Lure
Herblore cursor Cleanse, Deploy, Squish
Hunter cursor Target option on Gleaelg, Tranart, Slithtils. Check, Dismantle, Lay, Reset
Magic cursor Charge, Enter, Teleport urn, Unlock
Mining cursor Mine
Prayer cursor Bury, Cleanse, Pray, Pray-at, Scatter, Worship
Runecrafting cursor Craft-rune, Force, Imbue, Sacrifice at
Slayer cursor Finish option on Lowerniel Drakan
Smithing cursor Mend, Deploy, Pull, Sing glass, Smelt, Smith, Turn
Strength cursor Bang, Throwing a Firecracker or Confetti.
Summoning cursor Strike
Woodcutting cursor Chop down, Chop-down, Chop, Cut-Wood, Collect-root
Default cursor Default cursor
Link cursor Link cursor for hovering over links
Use cursor Activate, Use, Cast, Rub, Select
Misc cursor Other actions such as closing a door or following another player.
Invalid cursor Cursor shows when trying to do an impossible action or when you don't have met the requirements to do that action.
Valid cursor Appears when the item selected can be used on another object.
Pickup cursor Pick, Pick up, Pick-up, Remove, Take Take Silverlight from, Get blood from, Take heart from, Take rotten tomato from, Take shield from
Speech cursor Speak-with, Talk-to, Talk-To, Talk to
Enter cursor Enter, Exit, Squeeze-past, Climb-into, Leave, Leave Tomb, Pass, Pass through, Pass-through, Quick Teleport, Squeeze-through, Teleport, Teleport to Surface
Food cursor Eat, Nibble, Spiritualise Food
Drink cursor Drink
Read cursor Look at, Read, Open, Translate, Study
Search cursor Search, Open party interface
Climb up cursor Climb up, Climb-up
Climb down cursor Climb down, Climb-down
Climb cursor Climb
Open cursor Access, Open
Equip cursor Hold, Wear, Wield
Shearing cursor Shearing a Sheep.
Cog cursor Operating a Winch during The Blood Pact, Rotating a mirror in Plague's End, Rotate TzHaar emblem from The Brink of Extinction.
Untie cursor Untying Ilona during The Blood Pact and Zanik during Another Slice of H.A.M.
Cursor - Shovel Clearing rubble during Do No Evil, some skill plots in a Clan Citadel, the buried treasure Treasure Hunter promo.
Info Cursor Info, Inspect, Setup, Purchase (Mannequins)
Citadel Build Cursor Building via a Clan Citadel's customization interface.
Citadel Examine Cursor Examining the areas of a Clan Citadel via its map.
Citadel Teleport Cursor Teleporting via a Clan Citadel's map.
Pelt (Water balloon) cursor Pelt (Water balloon)
Pelt (Snowball) cursor Pelt (Snowball)
Jump cursor Jump (Pit Traps in Tirannwn)
Move interface cursor Moving an interface in RuneScape 3.
Rotate cursor Rotate (clicked) cursor Rotating your character.
Resize (vertical) cursor Resize (horizontal) cursor Resize (diagonal 1) cursor Resize (diagonal 2) cursor Resizing the interfaces in RuneScape 3.
Resize (friends list) cursor Resizing your Friend list
Cursor unlocking Unlocking Dawn from her cage during the Death of Chivalry quest, Crack
Treasure Hunter cursorHeart of Ice selection cursorHeart of Ice unfreeze cursor Treasure Hunter
Listen cursor Only used on Zemouregal when hovering over the Listen to option.
Push cursor Using the Push option on a Pitch bucket or the Push option on a specific button.
Invention cursor Activate, Manufacture, Search, Talk to, Trade, Tutorial
Invention (Discover) cursor Discover

Minigame cursors[]

Mobilising Armies[]


Spell cursors[]

Headless arrow
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Reason: Seren spells
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Elemental Spells[]

Other Combat Spells[]

Skilling Spells[]

Ancient Magicks[]

Lunar spells[]

Previous cursors[]

The following cursors aren't in-game anymore. These include removed spells and event-only actions.

Cursor Action
Farming cursor old
Deposit an item to a tool leprechaun.
Web cursor
Adding a spider web to a piece of furniture in the 2009 Hallowe'en event.
Energy Transfer cursor
Casting the Energy Transfer spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Crumble Undead cursor
Casting the crumble undead spell using the magic skill.
Iban Blast cursor
Casting the Iban Blast spell using the magic skill.
God spells cursors
Casting the God spells using the magic skill.
Miasmic spells cursors
Casting the Miasmic spells using the magic skill.


  • Previously, the Twirl emote was called Spin, and hovering a mouse over it caused the crafting cursor to appear, due to the similarity of name to Spinning wool in crafting. Because of this, Jagex renamed the emote Twirl.
  • When picking a noted item from ground, the cursor will show "Misc" icon. However, when picking an unnoted item from ground it shows its own icon. This might be a glitch.
The previous appearance of several cursors.
  • In a hidden update on 2 November 2010, the Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Beacon/Pot Boiler (Fire), and Churning (Cooking) cursors received graphical updates.
  • The new firemaking cursor is missing a pixel at its tip, making it seem more rounded than the other cursors.
  • The Wind Rush spell does not have a cursor, unlike other combat spells.
The previous appearance of the default cursor.
  • The cursor was changed when the new surface graphics were released (i.e., the more metallic borders on the minimap) to a metallic silver colour.
  • The Charge Earth Orb cursor also appears when you kick the Large gnomeball.