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Customs evidence files room

Customs evidence files are lootable cabinets that can be accessed after Rocking Out. Looting a cabinet requires 63 Thieving, and a successful attempt will grant 75 experience.

The cabinets are found on the top floor of Rock Island Prison, which can be accessed after completing the quest by speaking to the Customs Sergeant in the Rimmington Customs Office. To escape the cell, rediscover the crude lockpick by searching the bed. A Customs Officer will need to be killed to obtain a uniform, which will render other officers docile and grant access to the evidence files. After the uniform is obtained, no more combat is necessary.

17 cabinets can be found on the top floor. They take approximately 275 game ticks (165 seconds) to resupply after being looted. Custom officers patrol the evidence room, but will wander aimlessly unless the customs officer uniform is unequipped.

The customs outfit and mithril scimitar will be lost when leaving the island.


Customs evidence files

Ransacking the cabinets

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins300Common300
Sealed clue scroll (medium)Sealed clue scroll (medium)1Very rareNot sold
Bronze scimitarBronze scimitar1Common1,288
Iron scimitarIron scimitar1Common4,269
Steel scimitarSteel scimitar1Common1,464
Steel swordSteel sword1Uncommon1,025
Rune scimitarRune scimitar1Rare14,957
Iron barIron bar1Common1,053
Gold barGold bar1Uncommon1,168
Mithril barMithril bar1Uncommon682
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Uncommon809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Uncommon2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Uncommon1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Rare4,843
Pirate shirt (brown)Pirate shirt (brown)1Common526
Pirate bootsPirate boots1Common1,000
Eye patchEye patch1Common346