RuneScape Wiki

Daemonheim aura 4 detail

The Daemonheim aura 4 is a reward from completing the Elite Daemonheim Tasks given to you by Thok. It can be retrieved from him for free if lost. You can activate and wear the aura outside Daemonheim, and will last for 1 hour. After being activated, it will need to cooldown for 4 hours. 


From Daemonheim aura 1

When worn
  • One consequence-free death per day whilst in Daemonheim.
At all times
  • Access to a heim crab weapon cosmetic override.
  • Ability to choose at the start of a dungeon which boss you encounter once per day. The boss cannot be one that is higher then your current Dungeoneering level (lowered Dungeoneering stat affects this) You pick the boss after you choose the size.
  • Choose a secondary ring role in another class with 25% its normal effect.

From Daemonheim aura 2

When worn
At all times
  • Ability to bind one potion in a new slot.
  • A supply of 40 law and cosmic runes available from the smuggler for free in every dungeon.
  • The effect of a secondary ring role is boosted to 50%.

From Daemonheim aura 3

When worn
  • The Backhand ability will now unleash your inner Thok.
  • Access to an extended portion of the resource dungeon in the Dwarven Mine, containing 8 mithril rocks and 2 adamantite rocks.
At all times
  • The effect of a secondary ring role is boosted to 75%.
  • Access to 2 more bind slots in Daemonheim.
  • 5% reduced cost for recharging items.
  • A 10% increase in rewards from Sinkholes.

For Daemonheim aura 4 only

When activated
  • Burying bones in Daemonheim will recover 20 prayer points, unless they are dragon bones which will recover 40 prayer points.
When worn
  • A second gatestone and teleport spell.
    • This gatestone and its teleport appear as red, instead of green, and will behave similarly to the other gatestone and teleport. No Cosmic runes are required to operate this reward.
    • Additionally, when teleporting to the red-gatestone, the player's normally-black spiral becomes red.
  • Access to an extended portion of the resource dungeon in the Brimhaven dungeon, containing four Mithril dragons.
At all times
  • The effect of a secondary ring role is boosted to 100%.
  • A 10% discount from the smuggler.
  • Access to Daemonheim's hard mode.

