All Life points: 2,750
Life points1: 2,750
All Life points: 2,800
Life points2: 2,800
All Slayer experience: 57
Slayer experience: 57
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 211.5
Combat experience1: 211.5
All Combat experience: 221.7
Combat experience2: 221.7
All Release date: 17 November 2004
Release date: 17 November 2004
All Combat level: 77
Combat level1: 77
All Combat level: 78
Combat level2: 78
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1340
NPC ID1: 1340
All NPC ID: 1341
NPC ID2: 1341
When fighting, it is recommended to use melee armour, bring good food, and pray against range. At high levels it is possible to stay for long periods of time with good food. It may be advisable to use Soul Split or bring a team with you to distribute the damage taken. Intelligent strategies, and careful selection of gear and abilities are a must if a player wishes to stay for more than a few minutes at a time.
Indeed, the number of attacks aimed at a player often seem to overload the server. At times, this will prevent players from picking up items from the floor, or prevent them from moving. 1-click teleports will still work in these situations, which makes it a good idea to carry one here.
Unlike the dagannoth found in other locations, the dagannoth here do not drop hides of any variety. Hide hunters will need to go to either the Chaos Tunnels or Waterbirth Island. These dagannoth are good for rushing a slayer task or if collecting Gold charms. Crimson charm collectors will have better luck at the Chaos Tunnels or Waterbirth Island.
A good strategy is to use a Saradomin godsword and pray against Ranged. With the Saradomin godsword, you can maintain your health and prayer points without food or potions. A dwarf multicannon can also be used in this dungeon.
It is strongly advised to pray against Ranged, as it seems to reduce the max hit of their ranged attacks to 1.