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Dagon'hai robes set detail

The Dagon'hai robes set contains the Dagon'hai robes. This set requires 40 Magic and 40 Defence to use; as well as the completion of the What Lies Below quest and Hunt for Surok miniquest. It is obtained by trading in a Dagon'hai hat, Dagon'hai robe top, and Dagon'hai robe bottom with a Grand Exchange clerk. This takes up only one inventory spot, as opposed to the three individual pieces, and can therefore be used to save bank space.

It is not necessary to complete While Guthix Sleeps to wear these robes; although a full set is found during the quest.

Dagon'hai robes set equipped


Dagon'hai robes Grand Exchange cost
Dagon'hai hatDagon'hai hat239,841 [graph]
Dagon'hai robe topDagon'hai robe top87,848 [graph]
Dagon'hai robe bottomDagon'hai robe bottom49,122 [graph]
Total price376,811
[view] [talk]

Components and Bonuses[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Dagon'hai hat Dagon'hai hat - - - - - - 125 0 0 - - 9
Dagon'hai robe top Dagon'hai robe top - - - - - - 144 0 2 - - 14
Dagon'hai robe bottom Dagon'hai robe bottom - - - - - - 138 0 2 - - 12
Totals - - - - - - 407 0 4 - - 35