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Dark mystic robes set detail

Dark mystic robes sets can be made by exchanging the dark versions of the mystic hat, mystic robe top, mystic robe bottom, mystic gloves, and mystic boots with a Grand Exchange clerk. The set's purpose is purely to save space on the Grand Exchange. Players can also exchange this with a Grand Exchange clerk to get the items listed above. Like all mystic robes, the components of this set require at least 50 Defence to wear.

It is worth noting that the set's bonuses are equivalent to the Mystic robes set and the Light mystic robes set, and that the difference between them is merely cosmetic.


Dark Mystic Robes Grand Exchange cost
Dark mystic hatDark mystic hat93,827 [graph]
Dark mystic robe topDark mystic robe top10,054 [graph]
Dark mystic robe bottomDark mystic robe bottom9,936 [graph]
Dark mystic glovesDark mystic gloves8,233 [graph]
Dark mystic bootsDark mystic boots136,859 [graph]
Total price258,909
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Drop Summary[]

Component Dropped by
Dark mystic hat Infernal Mage
Dark mystic robe top Gargoyle
Dark mystic robe bottom Aberrant Spectre
Dark mystic gloves Banshee and equivalents
Crawling hand and equivalents
Dark mystic boots Infernal Mage

Components and Bonuses[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Dark mystic robes equipped
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Dark mystic hat Dark mystic hat - - - - - - 170 0 0 - - -
Dark mystic robe top Dark mystic robe top - - - - - - 195 0 0 - - -
Dark mystic robe bottom Dark mystic robe bottom - - - - - - 187 0 0 - - -
Dark mystic gloves Dark mystic gloves - - - - - - 42 0 0 - - -
Dark mystic boots Dark mystic boots - - - - - - 42 0 0 - - -
Totals - - - - - - 636 0 0 - - -