RuneScape Wiki
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Ancestral energyPositive energyNegative energy
Dead moai
Dead moai
Release date 10 October 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Location Uncharted Isles
Examine The island's anima is bleeding out from here.
Dead moai
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Release date 10 October 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Location Cyclosis
Examine The island's positive energy is bleeding out from here.
Dead moai
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Release date 10 October 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Examine The island's negative energy is bleeding out from here.

Dead moai can be found on Cyclosis, Goshima, The Islands That Once Were Turtles, and the Uncharted Isles. They act as divination energy sources.

When harvesting from a dead moai spring with at least 3 units of opposite energy in your inventory, it converts the energy into ancestral energy.
