Talk with Johanhus Ulsbrecht (In the southern room) about the cave goblins. (4•3)…
Are you planning to do anything about the cave goblins?
That's good.
Go next to the southern hanging brazier in the main room - Zanik will spot a trapdoor.
Pick-lock on the hidden trap door, then climb down.
Slipping Through the Guards[]
In the following section, if any of the guards catch you, you will be sent to jail, which is located on the floor above. Do not worry though; Zanik will pick-lock the door to the jail, but you will have to kill the guards with Zanik all over again.
Walk past the first guard (Zanik shoots him).
Squeeze through the crack in the wall where the guard Zanik shot was.
Squeeze through the crack in the opposite wall while the guard in the corridor has his back turned.
Go behind the west guard. Talk to him for a cutscene.
When the corridor's guard has his back turned, tell Zanik "Now!". (1)…
Go east to the end of the central corridor, but not around the corner.
Tell Zanik to wait. (2)…
Wait here.
Run out of the corridor and south down to the south-east corner, making the north-east guard follow you. Zanik will shoot him.
Go to the end of either the west or east passages, but not around the corner.
Tell Zanik to wait. (2)…
Wait here.
Go to the other passage, via the central corridor, and approach the guard (Zanik shoots him).
Listen at the door (you will be caught).
Divine Resurrection[]
Pick the jail's door lock and leave the H.A.M. hideout.
Pick up Zanik, laying near a tree south of the hideout entrance.
If you have finished the Tears of Guthix quest, you can teleport there with her using a games necklace.
Climb down the trapdoor in the Lumbridge castle, and squeeze through the crack in the wall.
Squeeze through the hole to the south, and run south across the stepping stones.
Access to the watermill tunnel (Dartog will appear there, and you'll be able to freely travel between the Lumbridge Castle cellar, the Dorgeshuun Mines and the watermill tunnel).