RuneScape Wiki
Release date 20 November 2012 (Update)
Members No
Skill Defence
Level 55
Type Threshold
Adrenaline −15%
Equipment Any
Cooldown 30 seconds
Debilitate your target for up to 100% weapon damage, also reducing any damage they deal to you by 50% for 7.8 seconds. This duration increases if a shield is equipped by 0.6 seconds for every 10 shield levels.
Click animation for full size

Debilitate is a threshold Defence ability. When activated the target takes 20–100% weapon damage and any damage they deal to the user is reduced by 50% for 7.8 or more seconds, depending on if they're wielding a shield as well as the tier of the shield equipped. For every 10 shield levels, 0.6 seconds are added, and the Bulwark perk can further increase the duration. This ability does not reduce most typeless damage, although there are exceptions such as Nomad's auto attacks, Helwyr's bleeds, most of Telos' special attacks, and Vorago's vitalis orb. Debilitate stacks with reflect, giving 75% damage reduction.

If defensive abilities are reset by any means, debilitate will be affected. Although the enemy will retain the debilitate debuff for its full duration, the player will not take reduced damage as his invisible buff has been removed.

Fortitude increases the accuracy of this ability by 10%, making it more effective than Turmoil and equivalents, but less effective than Malevolence and equivalents. The Shield Bashing perk increases the damage of this ability by 15% per rank.

Tier Duration
No shield 7.8 seconds
1 7.8 seconds
10 9 seconds
20 9.6 seconds
30 10.2 seconds
40 10.8 seconds
50 11.4 seconds
60 12 seconds
70 12.6 seconds
80 13.2 seconds
90 13.8 seconds

Group-based functionality[]

Debilitate functions by both "debuffing" the target and by invisibly "buffing" the user for the same amount of time. The debuff is only a timer, but the buff indicates a specific enemy. If a player takes damage from an enemy with the debilitate debuff and the player's buff indicates that same enemy, then the player takes reduced damage. Therefore, interactions in group-based content are as follows:

  • If two players both debilitate a target, then both players will take reduced damage from that target until their respective buff timer runs out.
  • If a player debilitates two different targets in quick succession—only possible with the passive effect of raids armour—they will only take reduced damage from the target that was last debilitated.


  • For a time after the Evolution of Combat, this ability only worked with melee and ranged weapons. Mages attempting to use this ability would go up to melee distance and use this, and it would rarely hit because magic weapons have no accuracy with melee attacks. This glitch has been fixed.